9 | Grey's Anatomy Would Be Proud

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He looked at me like I'd put a squirrel in a toaster. "I'm sorry, you need what?" He asked shaking his head as he looked to the others. "Why? What's going on?"

"Yeah, is there something I should be seeing?" Eloise asked with a small laugh.

I swear, I was so angry I could burst into flames. I looked back at my phone and at the message infront of me. Attached to it had been an invitation. An invitation to a party hosted by none other than my father, Andrew Pierce.

This man sent me a letter stating he didn't have resources to come and get us but still throws parties like it's freaking Mardi Gras? Ugh, my blood was boiling.

I jumped up from my seat and in a fit of rage and confusion I went to throw my phone across the room. However my wrist was caught by Luca. He looked at me with plain confusion and repeated the question Dante had asked me. "Emmi? What is going on?" His voice was sterner, as if he knew that talking this way would get my attention more.

I looked over to Elle. "Check your texts from Kyle." I said, my tone showing no signs of any emotions. She frantically scrolled through her contacts and found Kyle. Kyle was one of the guys in the Mafia, he often was a guard for the house. He was our friend.

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she read what I had meant for her to read... "What...?" She stood up. "But I thought-" I nodded and shrugged.

"I know... I don't know either." I responded, reading through it again.

Arianna rose from her spot on the ground and placed her drink on the coffee table. "Ok, will one of you please explain what's going on, the suspense is killing me?!" She said rather loudly.

"My dad." I said dropping my hands to my sides. "He is throwing a party." I spat out, actually disgusted. "God I can't believe him." I said, climbing away from all of them and towards the doorway.

The entrance to the living room wasn't a door, it was an archway that complimented the white toned open floor plan of the whole downstairs area. I ran a hand through my hair and scoffed.

But before I could throw my phone in anger again, Dante slithered his hand round my waist. He rested it for a minute before pulling me towards his chest. My eyes rolled as his overbearing stature towered against mine. "Hey..." He started softly. "Look at me." His tone enough for my eyes to interlock with his.

I placed my hands on his chest, the force at which he was pulling me into him almost making me fall over. "Take a breath." He told me, watching and I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth. "Good."

I watched as he gave me a small smile, biting my lip slightly as I resisted the urge to kiss him. "Stop doing that..." I said with a gentle laugh.

"Stop doing what?" He asked, his smile slipping into a smirk.

"Stop making me think about you..." I responded, my voice wavering slightly as the confession just slipped out.

His chest vibrated with a laugh and a feeling I wished I could bottle up and keep forever rippled on my hands, that still pressed on his chest. "Well, I would have gladly slammed you against the wall and made out with you but it hardly seemed like the place... or the time."

"EW! NO!" Eloise suddenly yelled from near us, covering her ears. "La La La!" She sung in a loud tone, Dante and I laughing as she did. "Nope. Declined. Incorrect. Permission denied!" She said as the rest of them began chuckling. "Look Em, I love you... but like... you're basically my sister so please withfrain from flirting infront of me." I rolled my eyes and pushed myself from his hold.

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