Chapter 11: Will it blossom?

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Hello friend~

Sorry for the wait... I'm okay, and I'll go back to therapy, so ye... (is scared)

Well, enjoy the chapter! ^^


”A-are we there yet…?” Natsu whimpered from Lucy’s lap. The chain had departed two minutes ago and he was already whining. He had, without even asking, curled up in a ball and put his head on Lucy’s lap, seeking comfort - though his cheeks were still as big as balloons.

“I swear I’ll make Erza kill you if you puke on me!” Lucy warned, raising her arms so she wouldn’t touch Natsu if he puked. Erza confirmed her warning with a nod. 

Erza, Gray and Wendy shared the same seats, Wendy holding Charle, Gray sleeping and Erza casually watching Natsu and Lucy (to see if anything happened, which she had promised Mira) 

They were headed in the direction of the one Celestial Twin Temple. Apparently, the sky temple was now open for people to visit and even offered tour guides, much to Lucy’s annoyance. She wanted the temples to keep their original purpose - to praise the spirits.

Lucy had given up on keeping her hands up, so she rested them on Natsu. He didn’t really seem to care too much. He was busy trying to survive.

Just as Lucy let her head hit the train window, the dangerous and familiar voice appeared in her mind.

Lucy-nee-san! Lucy-nee-san! It hurts, it hurts! Help me! 

Her pupils contracted and suddenly her body was cold from cold sweat. Those screams were returning to her mind again.

P-please help me! I-it hurts so much…

Now it was more of a whimper. Sobs. The pain was visible in his voice. He sounded so weak and scared - she couldn’t take it.

Placing her hands on her ears, she tried to block the sound, but it was in vain because the voices were all in her head. They wouldn’t stop.

But she knew it wasn’t him. That it wasn’t Luke. She knew this Nose-girl was playing a trick with her mind, but it sounded so real. Perhaps it was happening in real life? Shaking her head, she tried to make that thought go away. 

“Get out of my head, Nose…” she whispered, clenching her eyes together, still covering her ears.

“Lucy?” Lucy snapped her head up by the sound of her name. “Are you okay? What did you say about that Nose?” Erza asked, concern in her eyes. 

“N-no, I’m fine!” Lucy assured her, waving her hands in front of her. “I just… ehm… cursed about Nose and him the other guy has my brother. That’s all…!” 

Real smooth, Lucy… She mentally face palmed herself. 

However, Erza seemed to shrug it off, and Wendy, who had also concerned herself with Lucy, did the same. Charle, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at Lucy, without Lucy noticing it. The vision from the mission with the wererat came into the white exceeds mind again. She tried brushing it off, but she kept an eye on Lucy.

The train stopped, and an announcement was heard. 

Now we reached: Oaklea.” 

“We’re stopping here for now,” Erza stated, standing up. The train now stood completely still and Natsu jumped to his feet. “This is only a few cities away from the first temple.”

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