Chapter 6: The letter

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Hello, dear reader!

Sorry that it has been so long, but Christmas, school and stuff (*cough* tumblr *cough*) has been in the way... well, yeah.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. ^^


On the way to the guild Lucy had told both Natsu and Happy about the incident with the strange man. Lucy was still a little shaken up after it, but she just shook it off, not wanting to act weak.

The guild was forming itself in the horizon, casting a shadow over the neighbour houses. The city was full of life today. Boats sailing in the river, families walking in the streets and stores and stands open everywhere.

“Say, Lucy,” Happy cheeped, flying over Lucy’s head. Natsu walked besides Lucy with his hands casually resting on the back of his head. “Didn’t you sleep well tonight?”

Lucy sent a confused look at the blue exceed. “What do you mean, Happy?” 

With his small paws he gestured to Lucy’s eyes. “You have dark circles under your eyes,” he replied, looking at the guild, which were only a few housed away at the moment. “I mean, more than you usually have. 

The angermark appeared on Lucy’s forehead, and she closed her eyes in annoyance, though she contained her voice as they approached the guild. 

“No, I was just caught up in a book,” Lucy lied, stepping inside the guild, but as she stepped inside she turned around stopping her two partners. “Now, no more talk about this. Not to Gray or Erza either.”

“You can’t stop me though,” Natsu replied casually, grinning childishly. After that grin, his face turned serious again. “But seriously, Luce, let me tell our friends. At least Popsicle and Erza.” 

And as he said the word “Popsicle” Gray alerted and immediately started a fight. Happy cheered on Natsu, and on the other side on that table Gray had sat at, Juvia cheered on Gray, still sitting down. Erza didn’t even bother stopping them. She had just gotten a plate of Strawberry shortcake, which she wanted to eat in peace.

Lucy had given up entirely from the whole “try-to-stop-Natsu-and-Gray”-process and had retired back to the bar where she found a chair, which she sat down on.

“Hello, Lucy,” Mirajane greeted, making Lucy turn around in the bar chair. The flawless Take over mage smiled at Lucy from the other side of the counter. “Can I get you anything today?”

Lucy thought for a second before raising her finger slightly. “Yes, actually I would like a small strawberry milkshake, please!” Lucy replied, returning the smile.

Much to Lucy’s surprise, Mira let out a loud squeal, making Lucy raise both of her eyebrows. She then sent Mira a confused look.

“Oh, sorry, Lucy,” Mira muttered, smirking a bit. “It has just been a long time since you ordered something from me, so I thought maybe you wanted to put on some weight for Natsu becau-“ 

“Why does everything I do, have to involve you wanting me today date Natsu?!” Lucy exclaimed, but the loud noise was nearly silent compared to the rest of the guild’s loudness. Putting her head to the table, Lucy buried her face in her arms. “Plus, I wouldn’t do anything with my body because I wanted to impress someone…”

Mira chuckled, waving her hands apologetically. “Gomen, Gomen,” she said, containing her inner ‘match-maker’. “I’ll go make your milkshake now!”

“Arigato, Mira~” Lucy nearly sang, raising her head again as Mira headed for the kitchen.

As she waited for Mira to return with her drink, Lucy took a quick gaze around in the guild, checking up on her friends. Natsu and Gray’s fight was over, but they still death glared each other on each side of Erza. 

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