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WHEN FREYA AND Davina had got back to the mikaelson mansion all they said to their family and hope was that the headmistress is allowing her to take a look at the school.

This news made hope ecstatic! She was finally going to be around people like her and the same age as her. And she was finally going to practise different formes of magic! Sure,Freya and Davina helped but she wanted, no she yearned for a new teacher.

Freya and Davina held back as they're family and they both knew full well that klaus would have their heads if they unintentionally hurt her or if she pushed herself too far.

They still hadn't told the mikaelsons who the headmistress was though.

Right now they were all resting in the living room.

Elijah was cuddled up to Hayley,his girlfriend and hopes mother with a book of poems.

Klaus was sat on the sofa painting a certain young blonde Forbes.

Hope was watching a television show called the Big Bang theory, occasionally laughing at some funny line sheldon or any spoke.

Kol was playing with Davinas chocolate hair on the floor with a grin.

Freya was having a snack while looking at her phone cuddled up next to keelin and Rebekah was curling her hair sat on the floor next to hope while marcel was grabbing a few blood bags for them.

After everything the mikaelsons had been through they were finally a family. They had defeated lots of enemies and it had been quiet for a few years now. The hollow was successfully killed a while back by Rebekahs amazing idea to transfer it to an unconscious Aurora and the rest were taken down easily.

Allowing Elijah and Hayley to finally have a chance of a relationship after everything they both went through from Hayley marrying Jackson Kenner for her packs benefit to Elijah losing his memories. Rebekah and marcel were married and so were davina and kol and Freya and keelin. And Klaus and hope were allowed time to develope more of a father daughter bond.

"Aunt Freya,aunt davina when are we calling the headmistress? I want to start school and make friends as soon as possible" A very ambitious16 year old hope asked, eyes sparkling with joy.

"Ummm yeah about that.... we need to tell you something first" davina replied causing Freya to give her a glare saying 'not yet' but ignoring the glare davina goes to continue only to be interrupted by Freya.

" we will phone her in a minute if you want hope"

"YESSS I can't wait to be around more people like me" hope said happily making klaus and the rest of his family grin. All they ever wanted was for hope to be happy, you could clearly see that after everything they all sacrificed for her, especially her father who missed most years of her life.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now