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IT'S BEEN A WEEK now and so far none of the mikaelsons have gotten through to any of the kids.

Ivy just throws glares and storms off every time anyone (especially nik) tries talking to her apart from Rebekah. The two have bonded a little over shopping but she still holds a huge grudge upon them all.

Henrick is a little better, he will talk but walks off after a while. Nik tried to bond with him over painting which worked for a few moments until henrick realised who he was painting with and eventually left nik standing there.

Axel has been the worst (as expected) he calls the mikaelsons names like traitor or whore and snarls at then every time they try. Although, kol has been getting through to him recently a little ( no doubt because of their phsycotic tendencies)

I understand why they are angry but I've forgiven the mikaelson and so should they. I deeply regret keeping the kids from klaus but if you look at poor hopes life... the girl has been in danger since she was a mere baby.. poor thing.

Hope had tried too but axel,ivy and henrick have all made it clear that they aren't interested in their half sister.

And Hayley has been really bitchy. She snarls at me from across the room when I'm at the mikaelson mansion.. she's up to something.

Right now I was walking around the long and open hallways of the Salvatore school when I headed laughter coming from the cafeteria.

Normally I would just walk past but this laughter sounded more like mockery and I knew Alaric was out and the other teachers, in their classrooms so I decided to peek through.

What I saw made my blood boil.

Poor hope was standing in front of a crowd of 20 or so students,covered in porridge while josie,Lizzie,axel,ivy and henrick laugh and gawk at the front, Lizzie grasping the bowl firmly in her hands.

I stormed in. The sound of my heels clacking on the floor immediately quietens the room down.

My kids all stop laughing and replace the look of amusement with one of fear, quickly looking down at their feet. Even axel which surprises me.

" what the hell is going on here?"

" umm.... Lizzie poured the cereal over Hope" josie quickly dobbed her twin in causing a glare from Lizzie as she grasped the bowl so hard that it cracked into 5 pieces. Hope was standing with a tear stained face trying to scoop out the porridge.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now