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AFTER YESTERDAY'S events; the mikaelsons yearned for answers. Especially Nicklaus, how could he not? After all the shock of finding out the love of his life, his soul mate,the one he broke her heart of had moved on and married his old pal Stefan Salvatore but she had also become headmistress of a school,birthed 5 kids but not only did she just birth 5 kids. 3 of them were biologically his!

Nicklaus was shocked to find out that after all this time of thinking that he only had hope but he also had 3 other children. Angry that he never got to see them grow up. Sad that they hated him. Worried that they wouldn't want him in their life and confused. Why hadn't alexia gotten hold of him and told him that she was pregnant with his triplets?

Rebekah,kol and Elijah were all plain confused and a little sad that their best friend and almost sister had kept this secret from them all.

marcel,Hayley,keelin,davina and Freya were plain confused

Hope was a little confused,happy that she wasn't the only next of kin of the evil klaus mikaelson but angry about the way her siblings had reacted.

They were all currently sat in the mikaelson mansion room.

Rebekah and marcel sat awkwardly on a three seater chair. Rebekah dwindling with her thumbs while marcel stared into thin air.

Hayley was standing at the end of the room by herself leaning against the wall clenching her fists.

Keelin and Freya were sat on a chair in front of the fire place, Freya's arm over keelins shoulder while Freya played with her hair.

Elijah was sat glaring at Hayley wondering where the hell the sudden bitchiness came from.

Davina and kol were sat on another love seat sparing the occasional glance towards the confused hybrid.

And Hope was sat on one end of the huge sofa glancing from her hands fumbling her skirt to her father that was currently in some sort of trance staring out of the large window.

No one dared to break the silence as soon as they got in. It had been like this for the last hour. The only sounds from Hayley's incessant clicking of her heel as she tapped it impatiently on the ground,the fumbling of chains from Rebekah's necklace as marcel ran his fingers  through her hair and the occasional grunt finding its way from Elijahs throat pleading his younger brother to talk which of course he didn't.

" well........ shit" mumbled kol earning a playful slap from his wife. " what!? I'm just breaking the silence darling"

" brother please say something" Elijah spoke only earning a grunt and the slight shake of the head from his childish hybrid brother.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now