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AFTER ME AND NIKS talk, we both decided that it would be good to see the rest of the mikaelsons and to explain myself ... god, I hope Hayley's not there though.

We finally arrived at the mikaelson mansion in niks truck and burst through the doors to see pretty much everyone minus Hayley... sprawled our on the sofas.

Kol,davina,marcel and Rebekah on one whereas hope,Freya,Elijah and keelin were on the other.

As soon as they all heard the door opening, all of their heads snapped up towards us.

As soon as Rebekah and kol saw that it was me, they vamp sped towards me and crushing me into a huge bone crushing hug before pulling away and sitting back down.

" well hi to both of you two" sarcasm was dripping from my voice causing Elijah to let out a small chuckle.. now I understand why and how me and Damon are best friends.

" I came to explain" I suddenly straightened up,claiming an arm chair before seeing klaus squeeze by his daughter.

" I'm sorry that I kept the fact that I had 3 of niks kids....... I'm sorry I kept it from y'all" Elijah,Rebekah and kol all gasped looking between me and nik.... I would never call nik by his real name( a shortened version of course) unless I have completely forgiven him. And I have.

Hope... the poor girl looked like she didn't belong... she was soo confused.

" please tell me you two have at least made friends again?" Asked Rebekah with a smile.

Me and nik nodded hearing a loud fan-girl screech coming from kol's throat....

" I didn't know I could do that" kol turned red,clutching his throat and spluttering a few times causing everyone in the room. Especially davina to break out into contagious laughter. It felt like we were a family.. with marcel,hope,davina,Freya and keelin as new additions for me of course but I've grown to quite like davina and Freya.. along with keelin and I can see how good marcel is for Rebekah.

And poor hope.. I can see soo much of myself in that girl. I was never the centre of attention in my household when I was her age... my passed mum liz always put her undivided attention on Caroline.. my sister. I loved my mum soo much and so did Caroline but Caroline never showed it.. she was always such a bitch to our mum which only made liz try harder. Thus rendering me never having the attention on myself and hope... no doubt has the attention on her but she has such a crazy family and life and family that I bet she's never done anything remotely teenagery.... poor girl.

She may be the spawn of Hayley Marshall... which can I say.. I'm never forgiving.. I can be civil but.. she pushed one of my children up against a wall. And the dirty looks she had given me that day.. poor Elijah I really need to get him someone better.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as hope spoke up " I know you hate me... me being Hayley and klaus' daughter but can I still go to the school?" She asked sheepishly.

" aww hope..... listen... I don't hate you.. not one bit...it is not your fault..I've forgiven your father,maybe not your mother but you never did anything wrong. In fact, you remind me very much of myself. Of course you can come to the school. Who am I to say no to a young teenage girl in need of some education.. we would love to have you" I smiled sweetly at her to which she returned before she stood up and pulled me up from my chair and into her arms. I was quite shocked at first but eventually I sank into the hug. All the mikaelsons had smiles etched onto their faces especially klaus at the gesture.

" thank you... do you think they will want to know me?" She pulled away from the hug to face me. She didn't have to specify who she was taking about.. I knew that she wanted to know her siblings.

" they may be harsh on you at first... especially ivy and axel but you are their half sister... they all value family... you just need to gain their trust first... and Lizzie and josie may be a little harsh on you when you start school just to give you a heads up.. they can be quite mean to nee girls... especially you. They are all very over protective of me" she nodded looking down before sitting back with her father.

" well..... after all the shit that has happened in the past few days..I realise that I didn't fully introduce myself to marcel,Freya,davina and keelin.... hi" I waved awkwardly earning a laugh from them all especially davina.

Davina stood up and hugged me tightly. " after all kol has told me about you, I think we are going to be great friends"

After davina came up, then marcel did inroducing himself with a bow causing everyone to giggle once again.. then Freya and keelin.

" ooh and Rebekah,ivy is totally into shopping, not even Caroline can keep up with her"

" yessss, I have a shopping partner!" Rebekah cheered.

" calm down bex" kol huffed before Rebekah walked over to him,ruffing his hair like a dog " beckaaaaa"

" oh no my prescious hair...no what will I ever do with it now" wined Rebekah in a low pitch voice,imitating kol which caused davina and then the rest of us to laugh as kol chased Rebekah around the room,knocking over items from the walls and shelves including a few of nicks paintings which caused him to growl.

It finally felt a little like old times.. adding a few members too.

Au: cute,shorter chapter. Will alexia become a mother figure to hope?

I love how no one cares that Hayley has just pissed off somewhere 😂 she's officially gonna be a villain. I hate this Hayley. ( love Hayley in the show though)

A few spoilers for the next few chapters:

A huge secret will be spilled that will change everything! What do you think it will be ?

The mystic falls scoobies are back?

More Lizzie and josie and Alaric?


Love yall xx


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