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ALARIC HAD TOLD ME that all the mikaelsons including the extended family are coming on a tour today. I went out to do my normal coffee rounds at 10 am,came back and waited for the moment I would see them again.

I was excited to meet the extended family and especially excited to see kol,rebekah and Elijah but hope,Hayley and klaus I'm not so sure.

I mean, klaus cheated on me with that bitch and hopes the outcome of one of the worst moments of my life. Who can blame me right? It's not like I was going to do a Kai Parker though.

At this moment, I sat sipping on my coffee when Alaric came into my office quite bearishly.

" chill dude... I swear you think your Thor or something" I laughed at my own joke.

" they're gonna be here in an hour" He exclaimed the obvious with a straight face.

" yes... I know I can read the time you know"

"Had any updates on Caroline? Where is she now?"

"Bora bora I think"

" Where are Lizzie and Josie?"

"They are waiting downstairs"

" ivy....axel....henrick?"

" ivy is practising for cheer... henrick is reading in his room and who knows where axel is... I swear I need to put a leash on that boy" I muttered under my breath causing Alaric to laugh.

"Damon,Elena,Stefanie,Bonnie,Enzo and Matt are coming back home soon"

" I know I'm soo excited... wait why aren't Tyler and vicki? I thought they were back from France?"

" they were.. they were going to come back when something came up "

" awww, anyway, the majority of us will all be back as a big family again... apart from Jeremy,ty and vick"

" Yeah Jeremy sends his condolences... he says he can't get out of school and apparently he's got a dog now"

" really? Little Gilbert has a dog? Wow, he could barely keep a goldfish alive the last time I saw him"

" yeah I know"

" why are you here anyway... come here to talk about bullshit Alaric?"

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now