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WE WERE NOW ALL in my office.

I was sat on my desk.

Rebekah and marcel were sat in an arm chair cuddled up while Freya and keelin were sat in another.

klaus,hope and Hayley had taken seats in front of my desk in chairs.

Elijah,kol and davina were looking through my photos on the walls.

while Alaric was Klee king against the door in silence.

"You married the ripper?!" Kol shouted in disbelief adverting all attention to him. He pointed to a picture of me and Stefan on our wedding.

" yes,yes I did.. unfortunately he died on the wedding day but I'll forever be mrs Salvatore" I said proudly showing my chain I was wearing with mine and Stefans wedding bands on it. I could see klaus tense in anger and everyone else still in shock.

" wow... you had kids too!?" Kol exclaimed again looking at another picture with me and Stefan with 5 year olds axel,ivy,Josie,Lizzie and henrick. Everyone looked at the picture of me and Stefan in complete and utter shock.

" yes" I stated simply smiling while thinking about my kids.

" what are their names?" Rebekah asked.

I could tell her and kol were a little offended that I didn't tell them when we kept in touch but I brushed it off before grabbing the picture from kol.

" this one here is Lizzie and that one is Josie" I pointed at the two twins that were sat on stefans shoulders.

" I was pregnant with the other 3 triplets when jo Alaric's wife was sadly killed on the alter" I paused looking at Alaric's pained expression " she was pregnant with his and her kids at the time but she was stabbed in the stomach taking them with her. What we didn't know was the Gemini coven.... Jo's coven placed them inside of me... I may not be their biological mother but I am the person who gave birth to them, they are heretics"I stated plainly with a fond smile not bothering to look at the obvious shocked faces.

" that one there is ivy.. she's a sweet but mischievous girl... and that's ones Axel... the troublemaker.... and that ones henrick.. he is a very noble little boy like you Elijah" I stated seeing Elijah smile.

" wait... henrick... like our brother?" Kol asked

" yes... I named him in honour of poor henrick" I stated as the whole family smiled.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now