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Hey everyone,just an euthors note. There's a few questions I would like to ask you all that read this book that will be here. I am open to anything and suggestions.

I was going to get alexia and klaus back together but people seem to think no 😂 so I'm rethinking a lot of this plot because I want to make the readers happy 😊


Should klaus and alexia end up together?

Who should alexia end up with? It can be anyone from the TVD verse apart from girls as she's not bisexual,she's straight. They can even be dead 😂 I'll do something

Do you want any smut in this book?

Flashbacks,if so of what?

Should the kids forgive klaus?

What shall happen to Hayley?


And just for some fun

Stefan or Damon? I'm team Damon personally

Favourite original? Mine is klaus

Favourite female from the TVD verse? Mines a tie between Rebeka and maybe Elena when she's not being a selfish biatch

Favourite couple? DELENA

Who deserved better? Bonnie

Favourite decade Damon? Current or 1864? Current

Favourite decade Stefan? Current or 1864? Current

Team DELENA or Stelena? DELENA

If you could resurrect one, which one would you? Lexi,rose or Jenna? Lexi

Favourite TVD moment? The DELENA miss mystic dance was magical

Did mr tanner deserve to be killed? Yes! Let him die let him die let him shrivel up and die

Ripper Stefan or normal Stefan? Ripper is more interesting but normal

Kiss marry kill Elijah,kol or Damon ? I'd have to kiss my baby Damon as he's too hooked on Elena,marry daddy Elijah and kill kol 😬

Kiss marry kill klaus,Elijah or kol? Oops I'll have to kiss klaus,marry Elijah and kill kol again (love ya kol)

Kill marry kill Elijah Stefan or Damon? Kiss Damon,marry Elijah and kill Stefan,soz he broods too much

Kiss marry kill Stefan,Damon or klaus? Shittttttt umm kiss klaus,marry Damon and kill stef sorry 😂

Kiss marry kill Rebekah,Katherine or Hayley? Ooh my girl crushes.. umm kill kat sorry,kiss Hayley and marry my queen sexy bex

Steroline or klaroine ? Don't know 😂 there's more love in steroline but klaroline is cute...

Steroline or klaroine ? Don't know 😂 there's more love in steroline but klaroline is cute

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