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AXEL,IVY AND HENRICK all walked in.

" mummy, axel just killed the boy that I liked" ivy moaned fluttering her eye lashes putting on her best manipulative puppy face for her mother.

" no I didn't,don't be a bitch!"

Henrick slapped axel over the head earning a scowl.

" I saw it myself mother... he killed him after he saw them together" henrick stated.

All the mikaelsons had gone quiet.

" what really happened" I let out a huff.

" he killed tony!"

"No I didnt!"

" yes you did I saw it!"

" well you need your eyes tested then!"

" I don't need my eyes tested!"

Henrick let out a loud growl,his eyes turning yellow for a split second as he pulled his bickering siblings apart with his hands.

Anyone who saw the three would swear that henrick was a few years older,he's a lot more mature just like Elijah. Whereas the other two showed lots of qualities of kol,Rebekah and a lot of their father.

The mikaelsons all gasped at his eye colour.

Once henrick successfully stopped the childish bickering,he smirked showing off his two dimples. Just like klaus.

Ivy looked like a mix of her mothers eyes and Rebekah's hair and klaus' hair and smile.

Henrick had his fathers hair mixed with his mothers,he had a mix of Elijah and Rebekah's eyes and his fathers eyes.

Axel is the spitting image of his father with a little kol.

However they all had their fathers two dimples. Something hope hadn't inherited.

" sorry mother" the two bickering teens answered looking down.

" we will deal with this later,I have visitors" I spoke sceptically as I knew they had been pictures of their father and family.

All 3 of them looked to the family.

Henricks smirk dropped to a scowl.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now