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KLAUS HAD JUST SET off to find alexia. He had been driving for a bit when he finally reached the front gate of the Salvatore school.

The school was usually busy and today was no exception. Happy students were everywhere.

The basket ball court was buzzing with hormonal teenage boys and a few girls were peering through the bleachers seats.

Lizzie and josie were practising for cheer with another group of girls on a patch of grass.

A group of teens covered in dirt and torn up clothes emerged from the forest which klaus has assumed was because last night was a full moon.

Klaus was peering around the grassy areas looking for a certain blonde when he heared some grunts and crashes coming from the forest to his left.

Speeding through trees,almost tripping over turned up leafs and tree roots. Klaus came into a clearing.

A patch of grassy area was where alexia stood... no kneeled over a student.

The student looked to be around 18 or 19,he was currently fighting to stand but alexia was having none of it.

Standing up,she have him some time to breathe and stand again before signalling to go again.

Sparring was a day to day activity for alexia. Students,most importantly new vampires wanted to be trained,not only to control the blood lust but to also fight and alexia was the perfect trainer.

He threw a few punches that alexia dodged as easy as a feather before swooping down,grabbling both his arms and pinning him face forward into a nearby tree.

Klaus would be lying if he said that seeing alexia like this,hot,sweaty,kicking someone's ass didn't turn him on because it did. It did so much that he had to draw his claws out,sinking them into a large oak tree to stop himself from doing anything.

Once he had visually and mentally gotten rid of his problem,klaus took a single step from behind the tree he was hiding by to see just alexia grabbing a bottle of water from the ground,spinning around to see him.

Alexia's pov~

Great....it's him.

" what do you want" I asked before he could utter a single word. The reason I left in a huff yesterday was to get away from the mikaelsons a few days to let them process the information I had just dumped on them all like a pile of bricks.

『𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓~𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛』Where stories live. Discover now