Home Life

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my parents never payed attention to me. it was always about my brother, (B/N). i know that younger siblings get all the attention anyway, but still. my parents never talked to me. and that did upset me. honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if they forgot that i exsisted. in all honesty, im old enough to move out, i just cant. i have no money of my own, and they obviously wont give me any. they also never made me meals. because of that, i learnt how to cook by myself. id like to say that im pretty skilled in the kitchen, seeing as ive been making my own food scince i was 4.

it started off as a normal night, just the same as any other. My parents fussed around (B/N), while i was just left to do whatever.

but today especially, and i dont know why, i had had enough. there was no point me being here. they wouldnt care if i left. they probably wouldn't even notice.

it was around 2am when i snuck out of bed. i carefully tiptoed out of my room and went the stairs. i went into the kitchen where my fathers laptop was. i opned it up, and luckily, it didnt have a password. i turned down the brighness and volume, just in case. typing as quietly as i could, i went into a private browser and searched,

'airports near me.' 

we lived in (H/T) and i wanted to get as far away as possible. i learned that there was one about an hours walk away from here. seeing as that was the nearest one, it would have to do. i went onto their website, and looked at the flights that left the soonest. luckily, there was one that left in 3 hours to Newt in Texas. i found out that Newt was a small town, so that would come i handy.

the tickets were cheap, and i had enough time to pack and walk there. there was a number at the bottom of the page, and i decided to call and book my getaway flight.

i pulled my fathers old phone from my pocket. it was cracked as all hell, which was why i got it. it wasnt good enough for (B/N), and he 'deserved the best.' and therefore, i deserved nothing..

i called the number, and brought one ticket to Newt Texas.

i didn't really have much time, so i threw together the few belongings i had. my clothes, a toothbrush, my phone, charger, notebook and pen, and my headphones. i threw in some bandages and peroxide last minute, just in case. i also stole my parents wallets. they didnt diserve their money anyway.

after they way they've treated me, their feelings dont matter to me anymore. 

i threw on some boots and a jacket, before starting my hour long walk to the airport.

~time skip, youve already boarded cuz ive never been to an airport before and dont know how they work lol ~

i was on the flight. i was free. no more neglectful parents, no more stuck up brother, no more barriers. i was now free to do whatever i wanted.

this is where my life truly begins.

after my internal celebration, i got comfortable in my seat and fell straight to sleep.

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