Uncharted Terratory

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i woke up a few hours later, just as we were about to land. luckily, the flight wasnt too long. i just hope that my parents dont find me.

we landed, and soon the few people on the plane started leaving, so i did too. i got off, and decided to buy a quick snack and a drink for my journey. just until i find a hotel or something.

i decided on a simple (favourite filling) sandwich and a (favourite drink).

i left the airport with a sandwich in hand and my bag on my back, and started walking down the road. i decided that instead of wasting my money on a taxi or anything like that, i would just hitch a ride. not the safest option, but its my only option.

i walked for a few minutes until the airport was completely out of sight. the road itself didnt really have any cars on it, apart from the 1 that would occasionally pass every 10 minutes or so. but so far, no one has stopped for me yet. 

upon hearing the roaring of an engine behind me, i turned to see a blue van slowly come to a stop beside me. damn, i didn't even need to flag them down.they slid open the door and a girl with blonde hair leaned forward.

"hey, uh... you ok?" she asked me somewhat sweetly, but it slso seemed as though the others had pulled over and forced her to speak to me.

"hey, uh sorry, but.. i just came from the airport and i have no idea were i am. so i hate to be a bother, but is it cool if i ride with you guys until i find somewhere to stop?" i asked. i would completly understand if they said no, i mean, who wants a sweaty stranger clogging up ther van?

"of course, hop on up." he said, leaning back so i could come in.

"thank you so much!" i smiled, and climbed in. i sat down by the end of the van, away from everyone else. They were all squished up towards the front.  there was 5 people in the van. 3 man and 2 women. the blonde girl told me that her name was Sally, and everyone introduced themselves aswell.

"im (Y/N), nice to meet you all." i said smiling. i sat and crossed my legs, fiddling with my hands. they all seemed nice enough, but this was still a pretty awkward situation.

"so what are you doing out here?" the girl who introduced herself as Pam asked me. i looked up, startled by her sudden question.

"oh, um, i decided to run away. i wanted to find somewhere thats better for me than my home."  i didnt really want to tell them the whole story, seeing as they were strangers, but also dont want to lie to them. she nodded and looked at me sadly. she probably though that my family were abusive or something. i mean they kinda were, but they never physically hurt me or anything.

"so where are you guys going?" i asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation.

"were going to go check if my grandfathers grave was raided. some maniacs have been going around and digging up graves. then were going to go visit my old house." Sally said. why the hell would people be raiding graves?

"oh, ok.." i said, not really knowing what else to say. pulling my bag off my back, i unzipped it and mulled out my drink. i opened the can, trying to be as quiet as possible, and took a quick sip. the drink was cold, soothing my dry mouth. ive only been here a little while and the head was already starting to get to me.

we drove for another mile or so in scilence, before we pulled up at the graveyard. Sally got out, asking the man there if it was ok to have a look. we were only there a few minutes before she came back and got in the van. Franklin started worrying about the grave.

"they said that they would have been able to tell if the grave was dug up. Franklin, dont worry. i saw it myself! he didnt look dug up to me." sally said in attempt to soothe her brother. we drove for another few minutes in scilence, before a very strong scent of copper and rotting flesh came in through the windows.

"eh, whats that smell?" pam said, covering her nose with her hand. everyone started gagging almost, and closed all the windows. the van became immediatly more stuffy.

"its probably the old slaughter house. thats where grandpa used to sell his cattle!" franklin said, pointing out the window. "you see those buildings there? thats where thry kill 'em. they bash them in the head with a big sledge hammer."

"ugh, thats awful." Pam said.

"it usually wouldnt kill them on the first hit. i mean, they start squealing and freaking out and everything, and they'd have to come up and bash them two or three times. and sometimes even then it wouldnt kill them. they'd skin them sometimes before they were even dead." Franklin said.

"that horrible, people shouldnt kill animals for food.." Pam said, ahh, she was one of those people. i can see some vegans points, but i feel like if your killing the animal in the most humaine way possible, and cause them little to no pain, whats the trouble?

"well they dont do it like that anymore. they have these big air guns. it shoots a bullet into their skulls and retracts it, its just boom, shh!" Franklin said, immitating the noise of the gun. everyone cringed at the topic.

"Franklin, i like meat, please change the subject.." Sally pleaded. 

"well its terrible that its still going on.." Pam said.

"man, its hot in here.." Franklin whined. he pulled a small switchblade from his pocket and started picking his nails with it.

"hey look, its another hitchhiker." sally said. looking down the road.

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