Unwanted Visitors

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we didnt really sleep much that night. we stayed up together, with Nubbins telling me stories about him and Bobby, and discussing our interests. i also told him about my parents, and the years and years of neglect.

it was pretty early in the morning when we heard it. someone was knocking very aggressively at the front door. Drayton has left for work, so it was just us three. Nubbins went to investigate, telling me to stay in his, or i guess now our, room. at first, things seemed pretty calm, in till i heard someone shout.

"where is she?!" the woman shouted, and i instantly recognised the voice..

"who?" Nubbins said, trying to keep everything as calm as possible.

"(y/n), i know she's here!" the woman shouted. i could even bring myself to call her mother anymore. i was about to confront her, when i quickly took a knife from Nubbins nightstand, slipping it into my waistband, out of sight. it had a big, sharp blade. i walked towards the stairs and stayed at the top. i saw my 'father' stood behind her.

"what do you want." i said firmly.

"(y/n) darling, what the hell were you thinking, running away like that?" she said, trying to put in a concerned tone, but i saw right through it.

"what. do. you. want." i said.

"well, i'm here to bring you home, of course.. we've missed you." she gushed. she took a few steps inside, trying to grab my arms. the man walked in behind her.

"please (y/n). listen to your mother.." he pleaded.

"you've missed me my arse..and i'm not going anywhere with you. you are a disgrace of a mother." i said, slowly walking further down. Nubbins decided to leave us to have our personal confrontation, walking into the dining room, but staying in the doorway in case anything went south.

"(y/n), please don't speak like that.. you know we love you.." she said, stepping even further inside.

"oh, and now you're trying to gaslight me.." i muttered before carrying on, "when have you ever payed ANY attention to me? when have you EVER asked me how my day was? asked if i was hungry? given me a hug when i was sad? yeah, that's right, fucking never. so i absolutely will not go with you. you've been really good at leaving me alone my whole life, so what are you now so interested?"

her expression turned dark.

"(y/n) (m/n) (l/n). i did not fly across the country just for you to disobey me. you WILL come home with me, or i will be calling the authorities." she held up her phone.

nubbins heard the commotion, and come out and stood infron tof me.

"she's not going anywhere wih you, shes much better here, with us. you dont even care about her!" he yelled.

"this doesn't concern you.." the woman said sternly.

"im protecting my girl.. you dont know how much you did to her. you hurt her!"

 "hun its ok, i can handle this." i said. he looked skeptical, but went into the other room anyway.

"you're right mum.. im so sorry.." i tried to sound sincere. i pulled my knife from my pocket as subtly as i could. Nubbins saw what i was doing, and snuck out to loch the door. i gave the woman a hug, and as i was doing so, quickly stabbed the blade into her side. as i was doing this, Nubbins quickly sliced my 'fathers' throat.

the woman fell to her knees, clutching her side. she pulled the knife out and threw it to the ground.

"(y/n).. what have you done.." she cried. i knelt down to get the knife.

"doing myself a favour.." i held the knife above my head, "see you in hell, mother.." and i brung the knife down quickly into her skull. her bodly slumped onto the floor, unmoving.

"damn sunshine, i didn't know you had that in you.." Nubbins said, pressing a sweet kiss to my cheek.

"ive been waiting my whole life to do that.." i chuckled.

"oh, i love you.." he chuckled, seeminly saying it beofre he could think. it took us both by surprise. "sorry, was that t-"

"no its ok.. i love you too." i said, holding his hand and softly pecking his lips. he blushed deeply, chuckling nervously.

"how's they find you?" he asked.

"i dont know.. maybe they tracked my phone or something, or saw that i bought a plane ticket here." he hummed in response.

"so, what do we do with them now?" i said, kicking the limp body on the floor.

"oh.. will you help me put 'em in the freezer?" i nodded. he took the womans shoulders, and i took hold of her legs. we carried her to the kitchen. he used a hand to pull the door open. inside, in saw the frozen body of Pam, the other girl from the van. we threw the body on top, closing the door.

"Bubba will take care of the other one.." he said, walking back out to bang on Bubbas metal door. Bubba was quick to emerge. he saw the body on the floor, and quickly threw it over his shoulder, walking back into his 'crafting room' i guess. Nubbins turned back to me.

"heh.. y-you got some, uh.. blood on yer face." he said, holding his hand up to my face, wiping it off. "blood looks good on you, sunshine.." he blushed. kinky bastard..

"you think? red's always looked good on me" i joked and we both laughed for a moment.

"i-i forgot to say.. Cook had an idea. hitchiking is my job you see, t-thats how i get people to come here.. and Cook thought it would be a good idea if you come with me.. it would be safer or easier or something.."

"yeah, im ok with that." i said.

"really? well, if we are gonna do it together, we should probably get going.." he said.

"yeah ok.. ill just get my shoes."

it was still early by now, and it was still relitavely cool outside. we walked for about an hour, staying close the the main road in search for cars. there wern't many, one or two passing every few minutes. we saw a small van driving past, and decided to try 'getting a ride.' the van pulled up beside us.

"heyy, sorry to bother you.. me and my friend are lost, you think you could give us a ride?"

Blood is Thicker than Water ~ Nubbins Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now