Kind Stranger

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"you really wanna pick up another one?" Jerry, the one driving, said.

"yeah, pick him up, he'll asphyxiate out there." Kirk said.

"what does he look like?" pam said, rising from her spot slighly to try and get a look of the man. why would that even matter, though?

"the sonva bitch is gonna smell just like the slaugher house." Franklin said.

"oh, give the guy a break.." sally said.

"you sure we have enough room in here?" Jerry said.

"plenty of room next to me," i said. i would feel bad if they just left him out there when we have enough space. i took another sip of my drink.

"alright fine. ill pull over." Jerry said, and the van slowly came to stop. i pulled open the door so he could climb in. he pulled himself insaide, and eagerly took a seat beside me. heclosed the door and the van started moving again. he was also very smiley and giddy, and the others eemed freaked out by that. it didnt bother me though. 

"hello!" i said to him enthusiastically. everyone else in the van didnt really seem to want him there, so i decided to try my best to make him feel welcome.

"h-hi!" he said, smiling over at me. "im Nubbins!"

"Lovely to meet you, Nubbins! im (Y/N)." i said, smiling back at him. i feel like its always best to match energy with people you meet, just so you dont come off as unfriendly. he had a rather unique name, but didnt comment on it. that would be pretty rude.

"where, you headed, man?" Kirk asked, sounding on edge. it was clear that the others didnt really want him here.

"uh, south." he said, sounding unsure. maybe he doesnt know where hes going either.

"what about you, (Y/N)? we dont know where you wanna go." sally asked me.

"i dont really have a destination in mind, just somewhere i can stay the night would be good enough for me." i shrugged. she nooded and looked away.

"do you work at the slaughterhouse?" Franklin said.

"oh, uh no.." Nubbins said.

"then how'd you get stuck way out here?" Sally asked.

"i was at the slaughterhouse." Nubbins said, looking out the window.

"ive got an uncle who works there." Franklin mumbled.

"m-my brother worked there, my grandfather too!" Nubbins laughed, and Franklin looked concerned. "my family's always been in meat!"

"a whole family of draculas.." he said to the others, keeping his voice down. i sighed in dossaproval. why do they all have to be so rude?

"hey man, did you go in that slaughter room, or whatever they call it? the place where they shoot the cattle in the head with that big air gun?" Franklin asked.

"oh. that-that gun's no good.." Nubbins said, "they use the sledge.. see, that was better.. they died better that way.." Nubbins said, hitting his fist against his palm.

"how come? i thought the gun was better?" Franklin asked.

"no no, with the new way, people got put out of their jobs." he said. it deffinatley seemed as though he worked there at some point, even for a little while. he then quickley pulled at the pouch around his neck, and took out a handful of polaroids. he handed them to Franklin and he immediatly seemed disgusted.

"i was the killer!" he said. he seemed very enthusiastic about whatever was in the pictures.

"ooh, can i see?" i asked.

Blood is Thicker than Water ~ Nubbins Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now