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TW; in this chapter i talk about Nubbins cut on his hand, so if you are triggered by SH you might want to skip that part. i dont actually talk about SH, but because it talks about cutting, it might be upsetting

we pulled up at the house, me and Nubbins jumping out of the back. Drayton got out too, telling Nubbins to get Sally out of the car. damn, i didnt even notice she was there.

He opened the car door, pulling the girl out. she has a sack over her head, and was making muffled noises. we walked up to the front door, and i noticed that it was now covered in holes.

"i told you to never leave your brother alone!" Drayton said sternly. Nubbins let Drayton take over Sally, and came back over to me. 

"y-ya ok?" Nubbins said, probably refering to the situation with Sally.

"yeah, im fine.." i said. then, i suddenly remembered what happened earlier. "oh! is your hand ok? i could redress it for you.." i said, taking hold of his left hand.

"yeah, it still hurts a little.. could probably do with a new bandage.." he said, examining the now bloodied bandage. i smiled, retreving my bag from the kitchen. 

"now, wheres your bathroom?" i asked, taking his hother hand in mine. he took me up the stairs and to the last door at  end of the hallway. the bathroom was small, a bath in the corner with a showerhead, and a sink and toilet opposite. Nubbins took a seat on the edge of the bathtub.

"t-theres a kit under the sink if you need it.." he said. i thanked him, retriving said medkit. inside was more bandages, plasters, (bandaids lol) and some alchohol-free wipes. perfect.

i took a small towel from next to the sink, soaking it in warm water. i turned back to Nubbins, taking hold of his hand. i took of the bloodied bandage, throwing it away. the cut was deeper than i remembered. maybe i just hadnt noticed at the time.

"why did you cut yourself, anyway?" i asked, pressing the warm towel to the cut. he hissed slightly, before saying,

"i really just wanted to scare them, heh.."he chuckled, not seeming to see anything wrong with it. i sighed.

"well i think it worked, but next time try not to physically harm youself just to scare people.. i think you do a pretty good job of that anyway." i chuckled, jokingly. he laughed aswell.

"i wont do it if you dont want me too, sunshine.." he said smiling. i did too, placing a small kiss atop his head. now finished with the towel, i grabbed the wipes from the kit next. i took one and started cleansing the wound. he hissed once again. 

"sorry.." i muttered. his hand now seemed clean enough.

"ok, it doesnt look like it will need stitches or anything, but just try to keep it clean. i might have to redress it every now and again." i said, wrapping a new bandage around the hand. he nodded.

"thank you sunshine!" he said, standing up and smiling. i smiled too.

"you're welcome, honeybee." i said. he had given me a nickname, so it was time for me to give him one. (side note, i think that honeybee is so fucking cute. and like no one never uses it.)

he giggled, leaning down to give me a quick kiss.

some people would say we were moving to fast, having technically only known eachother for a few hours, but after years of having no one show any love or affection to you, and having some one finally show it, i couldn't help but lap it up. i truly cared for him aswell, and felt comfortable around him, safe.

"you ready for dinner?" he said, us now leaving the room and heading back downstairs. i noddead. when we came down, Drayton and Bubba were in the kitchen, and Sally was tied to a chair in the dining room.

Blood is Thicker than Water ~ Nubbins Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now