Surprising News

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Drayton told me to sit down again, and took a seat himself opposite me.

"so uh.. as you can tell, were not exactly normal folks.." Drayton said, seeming nervous. i stayed quiet, waiting for him to finish. i braced myself for some strange news, but nothing would really prepare me for what Nubbins said next..

"cut to the point, cook! we eat people.." he said to quickly, not really thinking before he spoke. i looked over at him with my eyes wide. 

"..huh..?" i said shocked. well i wasnt expecting that..

"uh.. yeah. were cannibals.." Drayton said, keeping his voice down. everyone in the room seemed very on edge. no one said anything for a short while.

"..ok, well... i dont really know how im supposed to react to that.." i chuckled slightly. i wasnt actually too surpirised. they way that nubbins talked about the cow pictures seemed very suspicious, i guess.

"you dont sound scared.." Drayton said suspiciously.

"yeah, i guess im not too surprised.. i could kinda tell something was up, with all the bones everywhere and everything.." i said calmly. i didnt want them to think i was going to scream and run away or anything, because i wasnt. these were probably the only people for miles who were willing to let me stay with them. plus they're nice enough, and i didnt want to ruin my chances of staying. 

"wait so.. that barbeque from the station.. was that...?" i asked timidly. Drayton nodded slowly, expecting a huge reaction from me. i just nodded.

"right.. ok. it wasn't even bad." i chuckled slightly. "y'know, ive thought about it sometimes, like what people taste like? guess now i know.." 

as soon as i said that, everyone in the room looked a lot less worried. they even looked slightly shocked.

"see cook? i told you she was perfect!" Nubbins said, grabbing my arms and pulling me up from my chair. he pulled me next to me and put his arm around my waist. i blushed at what he said, aswell as his actions. i almost started crying, no one had ever called me perfect before.  Nubbins seemed to sense my change in emotion, looking down at me.

"heyy, whats wrong?" he said calmly, taking his hand from my waist and holding my hand instead.

"sorry, its just.. nice that someone thinks im worth something.." i said, " my parents never praised me, so its my first time hearing that from someone, really." i said, trying not to get overly emotional.

"well now you've got me. i'll make sure to tell you how perfect you are every day, i promise." Nubbins said, pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me. i did the same, putting my arms around his waist and put hy head in the crook of his neck. his sudden action was comforting, and was something that i really needed in the moment.

"thank you.." i mumbled into his chest. i felt a tear slide doen my cheek and onto his skin. he rubbed my back gently, soothing me. after a little while i pulled away, feeling better.

"h-hey, ya wanna go look at some more pictures of mine? you'll like them.. i could even start makin' you that knife.." he said, becoming a little more excited, lightening the mood. he took my hand, leading me out the room.

"yeah, that would be great." i smiled, following him up the stairs. there was a small hallway at the top of the stairs, and 5 rooms. he opened the first door and lead me in. 

the room was a nice size. the walls were covered in a rustic brown wallpaper, with parts peeling up and missing, and the floor was hardwood. there was a bed next to the wall, and a window with a small balcony on the same wall as the bed. there was a dresser in the corner infront of me, with a small cracked mirror in top. there were polaroids randomly dotted all over the wall. they were of all kinds of thing. plants, cars, and what seemed to be small dead animals.. but they were mostly of Nubbins and his family, along with another man i didnt recognise. 

(idk if there is actually a balcony but in the movie i think you can see one above the door so.. it might not be a balcony it might be a railing but eh whatever)

he closed the door behind me, and walked over to the dresser. he pulled out a handfull of more pictures he pulled me to the bed and sat down. i sat next to him and he held the pictures between the two of us. he showed me pictures of many things and told me about why he liked them. some of them were actually good, like the one of a feild of sunflowers. it looked really nice, actually. it would be nice to go there sometime.

the sun was starting to go down out side, giving the room a sligh orange glow. as we were in the middle of talking, we heard knocking at the door. we both quickly topped, and he signaled for me to be quiet, putting a finger too his lips. the knocking happened again, before we heard a scream, and what i assumed was Bubba. after the commotion died down, Nubbins turned to me and said,

"wanna uh, go to the feild? the one in the picture..?" he said, pointing to the one of the sunflowers i liked.

"yeah! it looks beautiful. it will look even nicer with the sun setting." he smiled wide, pulling me up from the bed and out the door, grabbing his camera in the way.

Blood is Thicker than Water ~ Nubbins Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now