We Meet Again

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(at this point, pam and kirk are already dead.)

We were on the road now, driving towards Draytons house. the ride itself was pretty silent, and kinda awkward. 

"just to warn ya, our house is pretty... strange. just wait and we'll explain." he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"oh..ok" i didnt really know what else to say.

i slowly started to see the house in the distance. it was pretty nice. the house itself was a nice size, with a green-ish roof. i could aslo see what seemed like a swing out in the front. he drove past the house and parked out the back. we  got out the truck and made our way to the front of the house.

"stay here a minute, i need to check something.." he said, leaving me outside for a few minutes. i leaned my elbows on the truck, breathing in the fresh air. it was nice after sitting out at a gas station for a few hours. i took in the surrounding area. the small swing was facing the house, and a few trees were scattered around the area. i heard a few noises from inside the house, but couldn't quite tell what they were. 

Drayton came back out a few minutes later, looking slightly dishevelled. 

"right, sorry 'bout that, you can come in now." he said, chuckling slightly. i quickened my pace as i went up to him. he walked back in with me following behind him. we walked into the hallway. there where animal hides covering all the walls, and some even hanging from the sceling. a large metal door was at the end of the hall. the decor was certainly odd, but i didnt comment on it.  

"go take a seat in there, make yourself comfortable. i need to get my brother.." Drayton said, standing in the doorway.

"you have another brother?" i asked. he handnt mentioned him..

"yeah, i got three.. you've already met one, heh.. but please, just be nice to him.. hes a little weird lookin', but its just how he is.." he chuckled, before becoming more serious.

"ah of cource i will, no need to worry!" i said. 

he nodded and left, to get his supposed brother. i walked into the room. it was a dining room, with a large wooden tabke with four chairs. i pulled one out and took a seat, waiting for Drayton to come back. 

he came back a few moments later, and i heard another set of footsteps behind him. he stood in the doorway, and i has a glimpse of a taller man stood behind him.

"go on now, she wont bite.." Drayton reasured him, and the man next to him slowly walked into the room. he was certainly tall. at first glance, he was wearing a yellow apron and a fancy tie. i looked up to his face, and he was wearing a mask. it looked to be made of some kind of skin, and remembering the cow hides from the hallway, i guessed it was the same material. i stood up from my chair, walking up to greet the man.

"hello, im (Y/N)!" i said, ignoring the mask. i stood up from the chair and held out my hand for him to shake. that might of seemed weird, but i wanted to show him that i wasnt scared. after my responce, he seemed to loosen up. he made a few excited-sounding blabbles, and took my hand in his, giving it a few shakes. Drayton also looked releived.

"sorry, forgot to mention.. he doesn't really talk. his names Bubba." Drayton said, leaning on the door frame. i nodded to him and looked back to Bubba.

"well, its lovely to meet you, Bubba." i said, taking my hand away from his. 

then, there was 3 loud knocks from the front door, along with a loud 'im home!'. drayton left to answer it, and to my delight, Nubbins stumbed into the room. he saw me and his face seemed to light up.

"hey! what'cha doin' here?" he said, walking up to us. bubba stepped back a little, letting us talk.

"oh, your brother invited me to stay the night. i didnt want to be a bother, but he insisted." i said, looking down a little.

"nahh, you're not a bother, you're welcome here anytime!" he said, reassuring me and taking my hand in his. i looked up to him and smiled, and blushed slightly. he smiled back at me, his face flushing aswell. then his face dropped slighly.

"sorry, i-i'll be right back." he said. he went into the kitchen, "cook, get in here!" he yelled. Drayton huffed and went into the room, closing the door behind him.


the Cook came into the room and closed the door.

"why is she here? shes not supposed to be here!" i said. i was happy to see her, but i was scared that he was gonna kill her, and i didnt want that. shes the first person whos actually been nice to me, and i dont want that to go away..

"shes here for the same reason everyone else is, shes not family. shes dinner." he said and kept his voice down.

"no! y-you're not gonna kill her, shes staying! w-we can get someone else. not her!" i said seriously. Cook huffed and crossed his arms.

"why? why do we need her around? shes just another mouth to feed.." he said.

"shes a nice girl, yeah.. shes a real nice girl a-and she could help us! wouldn't it be nice to have a helping hand?" i said. i was not going to let him hurt her, shes nice!

"oh yeah? and why would she help us?" he said.

"shes like us! she-she said that she liked my pictures! the ones of the cows! thats not normal, is it? no, she wont mind!" i said. Cook just stood there for a while.

"you better be right, or you're gonna get it, you ." he said, and left the room. so did i.

~ (Y/N) POV ~

They both went off into the kitchen. i could really hear what they were talking bout, just a few muffled words. they wernt in there to long, before Drayton came back out and Nubbins followd behind him. Nubbins came up to me and said,

"we uh.. we got something to tell you.."

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