A Moment To Remember

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He lead me out the house, holding my hand the whole time. we went behind the house and a patch of trees, revealing the feild.

it was stunning. rows upon rows of sunflowers faced us and towards the sun, a small breeze blowing them gently. trees circled the entire area, making it seemed secluded. the sunset gave the flowers a beautiful glow, and the air around us felt a lot less hot. i smiled brightly, and let out a laugh,

"its incredible!" i said, amazed. 

i ran forward amongst the flowers, feeling their petals against my fingers. Nubbins laughed at my enthusiasm, quickly pulling out his camera and snapping a photo of me in the feild. he then placed the camera down, and began to run around with me. (i think the picture would look something like this, just pretend theres trees everywhere and its smaller lol) 

we were giggling and laughing the whole time, raving in the pure joy that the feild gave us. at some point i took my shoes off, dropping them in a random spot, not caring if i was able to find them again. i was too preocupied with the feeling to care. the feeling of the grass was a comforting thing. Nubbins held my hands and spun me round, before letting go of one hand and running with me once again.

after a few minutes, i spotted a small clearing where the flowers were more scarce, right in the centre. i jogged over there, sitting down against the grass. Nubbins caught up to me, sitting down also. 

the sun was really setting now, the sky turning orange, and the clouds pink. i could just about see the sun behind the trees, its rays slightly peeking through the leaves. i pulled my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around knees.

"thank you for bringing me here.. its the most beautiful place ive ever been." i said, turning to Nubbins who was leant back, leaning on his hands. he let out a small chuckle and said,

"heh, n-not as beautiful as you, sunshine!" he said. i blushed at the comliment and the nickname, looking down to my knees

"beautiful, huh.." i chuckled, "thank you, so are you.." i said, turning back to him. i crossed my legs, and put my hand ontop of his. he looked down at it and blushed also. we sat in a comfortable silence for the next few minutes, just watching the sun go down.

"you're reeal nice to be around, sunshine." he said sincerely. i shuffled closer to him, still holding his hand.

"i like being with you too.." i said, turning my head to his. he did also, staring intently into my eyes. 

i saw an oportunity, and decided to take it. 

i leant forward slightly, pressing my lips to his. i pulled away quickly, wanting to see his reaction before carrying on. he just looked at me shocked. i looked down, thinking i had made a mistake. just as i was about to move away, he held my chin in his fingers, leaning in to give me a proper kiss. as soon as his lips touched mine, i felt butterflies in my stomach. i took my hand from his and snaked it around his neck, tangling it in the hair at the base of his neck as our lips moved in sync. we carried on like this for a few minutes, before pulling away to breathe. he went back to staring into my eyes, a smile now present on his lips. i did too, leaning my head on his shoulder. he wrapped and arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. we watched the last of the sun disappear for the day, as he pressed a small kiss to the top of my head.

neither of us said a word, just enjoying the calm surrounding, and savouring the sweet moment. the sky had now gone dark, and the air was cool.

"i hate to ruin the moment, but.. we should probably start heading back soon.." i said. he nodded. he stood up, holding out his hand for me to take. 

"shit, i gotta find my shoes.." i laughed, looking around the dark feild. the flowers had now closed up, their yellow petals stored away for the night. he chuckled, helping me search.

~time skipee~

we were now walking back towards house. we somehow managed to go the wrong way, now ending up infront of the house instead of behind. 

we walked hand in hand, that seeming to become our defult way of walking together. i was holding my shoes in my other hand, not bothering to put them back on.

on the way, i had asked him about the other man in the pictures from his bedroom. he told me that that was his twin brother, Robert, or as he prefered to be called, Bobby. he had been drafted to vietnam earlier that year. i felt bad for the both of them, i cant imagine seeing your twin go to war, not sure of whether he'd return.

i heard an engine behind us, turning around to see Drayton. where had he gone? he leaned his head out the window.

"where have you two been?" he said, sounding rather stressed.

"i-i took her to see the sunflowers.." Nubbins said, pointing back towards the direction of the feild. Drayton just mumbled, telling us to get in the back. Nubbins jumped up first, then pulled me up with him and into his lap.

Drayton then carried on driving towards the house.

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