The Last Chance

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i stellped out from the van, taking a big breath of fresh-ish air. i pulled out my phone from my pocket, and quickly turned my location on. i opened google and quickly typed, 

'hotels near me'

when the results came back, it said that the nearest hotel wass... 5 hours away?

are you kidding me? i mean i guess i could have checked before i came here, but i was in a rush! i didnt have time to research! what the hell am i gonna do now?

i pulled my bag off my shoulder and trew it on the floor next to the wall. i slumped down beside it, putting my hands over my eyes. then the tears started flowing..

why the hell did i run away? why did i come here? where am i gonna go? im going to be worse off here that i was at home. what if they find me? what if the police come looking for me? god, this is such a disaster..

then i felt a cough above me. i looked up to see the man who spoke to the others. im guessing he owns this place.

"are you alright?" he asked quietly. i quickly whiped my eyes and tried to sort myself out a little.

"yeah, sorry, im just going through a lot right now.." i said, whiping my nose on my sleeve and standing up. "and im pretty much homeless right now so.." i said. i didnt want to make myself seem desperate, but i kinda was.

"well uh.. why didnt you leave with your friends?" he asked. he clearly didnt really kniw what else to say. i didnt blame him, though.

"oh, they're not my friends. i only met them like an hour ago. i was just getting a ride from the airport until i found somewhere to stay. they were all rude and didnt want me there. then we picked up this really nice guy and we took a picture together, then they kicked him off, now im here, and there isnt a hotel around here for hours." i sid, satig more than i really meant too. i whiped the few new tears that came from my eyes. 

"you picked up a guy? w-what guy?" he said quickly. hey, maybe he knew him.

"oh!" i said quickly, pulling the polaroid of the two of us out of my pocket. i handed it to him and he looked at it, shocked. "do you know him?" i said eagerly. maybe i could somehow meet up with him again.

"yeah, uh.." he said, looking as thoug he was debating on where or not to carry on the scentance, "hes my brother.."

"really? man, what a coincidence. he talked about you alot, you know." i said. he handed the picture back to me and i put it away again.

"did you say that you've got nowhere to stay?" he asked me.

"yeah, i checked and the next hotel is like 5 hours away and i dont have a car soo.." i said and stuffed my hands in my pockets. he stood there silently before saying,

"tell you what, when i get off work you can come back with me. well help you get to the hotel in the morning." i said scincerely. i just stood there for a few seconds, shocked.

"you'd.. let me stay the night?" i said skeptically. i mean what if he wasnt really his brother and was just trying to lure me away? "i mean, i don't even know youre actually brothers or not.." i said. i didnt want to be rude, but my point still stands.

"Nubbins said that he had a brother that worked in the slaughterhouse, right? but they got put out of the job because of the new equipment? that was me." he said seriously to me. i didnt tell him any of that, so how else would he know? once again, i cant be sure. maybe Nubbins just told him the same story. seeing as its really my only opition, i guess ill take a chance. 

"fine, i believe you. when do you get off work?" i said. it was exciting knowing that i might see Nubbins again, he was really something. he smiled at me knowing that i believed him.

"in two hours. you might just have to hang around here until then." he shrugged slightly. "oh i completely forgot my manners, im Drayton." he said.  

"(Y/N), and thank you, again, so much for letting my stay.." i said honestly. he turned around to go back inside, before turning back around to ask me,

"are you, ah.. hungry? we've got some real good barbeque, free of charge?" he said gesturing slightly to the sign above him.

"oh, that would be lovely. thank you." i smiled. i havent really eaten in a while, so i accepted the kind offer. he went inside, and came back out a few minutes later with a small paper bag. i assumed that that was the barbeque. he handed it to me, along with an ice-cold can of coke. i thanked him again.he just nodded and told me that he had to get back to work. i thanked him for letting me stay once again, and sat back down in the shade. i checked the time on my phone, and the time was 1:00. 

i opened the small brown paper bag, pulling out the meat from inside. there was also, luckily, some napkins. i took a small bite. it was great! i havent really had a proper meal in ages so, i savoured the flavour. i couldn't quite tell what it was. it tasted like pork, but also beef at the same time. it was nice though. i took another bite, a bigger one this time. i wiped my fingers off on the napkin, and pulled my bag  next to me.

remembering that i brought my headphones and notebook with me, i pulled them out my bag and put on my playlist. i took out my pen too, and started doodling random things. i started with drawing my surroundings. the trees, the cars that passed, insects that i saw scuttling agross the ground. then things i like. my favourite animals, favourite place. then random things that came to mind, like flowers, eyes, animals. really, just anything i could think of. time passed quicker that way. 

~time skip lolz time to leave~

i had been sat on the floor now for two hours listeneing to music. i had also probably fallen asleep at some point, but didnt remember. Drayton come out the door, with a pair of keys in his hand. he came up to me and said.

"alright, time to go. ill just go get the truck from out the back."

"alright, see you in a second." i said, putting my things back in my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. i stood up from my spot, waiting for him to pull up. he came around the corned with a pretty beat-up white truck. he stopped infront of me, and i walked up and opend the door. i climbed in and closed the door. i put my bag on my lap and put my seatbelt on.

"again, thank you." i said, i felt like i was saying it alot, but i really meant it. 

Blood is Thicker than Water ~ Nubbins Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now