41. Plans

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A/N: Once again the format of this chapter might be different. This entire chapter was typed using wordpad. I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

41. Plans

It's much harder getting twins to bed than I first thought. Though being a vampire now, it doesn't matter how long they stay asleep or how many times they wake. They will never disturb my sleep and for another blissful second I'm once thankful for being a vampire. Also, I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that my children will be a constant reminder of my thirst. Just this afternoon I was blissfully sated but by nightfall I could understand why being a newborn sucks.

"It's just because you're young," Edward explained as I held Lizzy in my arms. Damn. That nickname was beginning to rub off on me. I looked up at him narrowing my eyes. For a moment I thought I was doing a well enough job of hiding my distress. Edward gave me that familiar crooked grin that could barely recall in memory. Though I half expect my heart to start hammering in my chest at the sight. I roll my eyes at him not bothering to comment.

Rosalie enters the room carrying Anthony in her arms. I suspect she's never even put him down since his birth. My dead heart aches toward him but I know Rose needs him around for now. Edward follows my line of sight sighing. "She'll be more than welcome to hand him over," Edward says. I shake my head against his words, "No, she needs him. Rose is the only one in this house that understands this part of us." Edward shakes his head placing a kiss on my forehead before lowing himself to kiss Lizzy's head.

Edward then leaves us heading deeper into the house. I can still smell stench of wolves in the house. I was right, the smell will never disappear. I stand in the same position cuddling Elizabeth to my chest as the sun completely sets over the horizon. As the moonlight streams into the house I can hear the howls of the wolves outside. Elizabeth giggles at the sound showing her toothless mouth. The sight catches me by surprise but only makes me smile. I'm still moderately surprised that neither of my children are scared about my appearance. My eyes can't be that nice of a sight.

Suddenly Lizzy yawns and I realize I've been standing in this position staring at her for an hour. I carry her close searching out either Esme, Alice, or Rosalie. I find Alice in the foyer coming down from the stairs. She's having one of her moods because of the proximity. If I didn't know any better she's grumbling under her breath about imprinting and wolves and babies. She's a weird one that girl.

"Alice?" I call to her. She looks up from the stairs smiling instantly at me. "Bella!" She cries upon seeing me again. No doubt she's probably still a little miffed about the dress from earlier in the day. I was allowed to change after all though which I should say was a small miracle. "I was just wondering where the children sleep?" I ask her. Considering the twins are human I would believe they wouldn't be able to stay in our arms all night. They would probably never geet much sleep against our hard bodies or all the chaos in the house. Alice grins widely glancing up the stairs, "Well considering Rose never puts Ant down, he sleeps in her arms. Though Edward has made Elizabeth an area in his room. Come on up. We'll get her nice and settled."

I follow Alice up the stairs toward Edward's room. Once again it's like I'm seeing everything for the first time. I finally notice the cross taking in the finer details I know I missed as a human. The wood is older than first glance and much sturdier as well. Part of me wants to reach out but another part of me steers clear of the object. Despite my knowing the object will not hurt me, I feel it's better than to tempt fate.

We pass Carlisle's office which for the first time I realize is completely empty. "Carlisle's downstairs. He's been downstairs since Sam left," Alice replies to mystified expression. I give her a small nod smiling down at Lizzy who's beginning to fall asleep. As we get closer to Edward's room, Emmett suddenly comes down the hall. He gives us a smile before glancing behind us.

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