32. Sudden

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32. Sudden

            As the light of the morning sun streamed into my window I frowned, sitting up in bed for the umpteenth time. Carlisle had told me the closer I got to the birth the more restless I would become. Most nights lately were spent tossing and turning checking my phone thousands of times. Thankfully Mike had laid off with the threatening messages but there was still that ominous black hole hanging over me. Something wasn't right, nothing felt good anymore. Normally Mike wouldn't give up so easily and the fact that I still hadn't told anyone about his messages would have encouraged him further. Something just didn't sit right with me about Mike.

Thanks to my pregnancy I was going to defer a year from school because my kid deserved it all. I knew I would have the entire Cullen family there but I wanted my kid to know me. The college understood as well because of my circumstance so they were allowing me to admission next year or maybe after the first semester. I just wanted to be there for everything for however long I could be. I placed my hand over my stomach feeling my child kick against my hand which gave my goose bumps. I just sat in the bed for a few minutes just feeling my child who was separated from me by mere skin. It was so strange that I was looking forward to being a mother when just months ago I was scared out of my mind.

My own mother couldn't really accept my pregnancy so well. Since graduation I only received one email from her. It wasn't anything great but it was a start and I was satisfied with just that. Charlie was another situation on his own. Today meant a lot for all of us, for some it was a good thing, but for Charlie, I feared he felt abandoned.  There was nothing I could do to ease his worries or his pain today. I had to do this for my child because Charlie's house was just too small for another kid. Not to mention once Edward and I were married we had to live together anyway. The idea probably wasn't for us to live with his parents in Charlie's eyes but there wasn't much choice.

I heard Charlie's footsteps trailing downstairs. He was helping today as well to carry boxes back and forth from the house to the cars. Since my truck was out of commission, the Cullens were using their cars to move my things. The bed and dresser were obviously staying here so the only thing I really needed was my clothes and personal items. It wasn't much but it was enough for a couple of cars when I thought about it. Alice had been jumping for joy for two weeks when we finally announced our decision. Of course she had known beforehand but once the decision was out, she was bouncing around making arrangements and plans. She wouldn't even let Edward or I see what she was working on but it had to be perfect because she was Alice afterall.

There was a room squared off in the house that she was in and out all day. I had my suspicions that it was a nursery for the baby but it was only a guess. I slid from the bed as my phone beeped from the corner of the bed. I glanced at it as I paused a moment on the bed wondering if it were Edward or Mike. Mike's actions had made me increasingly paranoid whenever the phone beeped. Sometimes it was Alice instead of one of the boys but it didn't matter because the sound was the same. I took a deep breath before grabbing the phone and flipping it open.

Be there are at 9

The message was from Edward. I glanced over at the clock to see it was only seven thirty. I hated waking so early from the pregnancy. I napped so much during the day that when night came, I just tossed and turned for hours before falling asleep. Smiling, I typed back a simple reply See you then. I left my phone on charge as I grabbed my robe walking out of the bedroom. I stopped by the bathroom before waddling my way downstairs. Charlie was in the living room with a cup of coffee watching the television.

It helped that today was a Saturday so that he didn't have to go into work. Normally he would have gone to Billy's house on the reservation to go fishing but he was going to help today. It was too bad that Jacob wouldn't come over to help because in all honesty I rather missed Jacob. We had never been close as we got older but I considered him a friend. I hadn't even seen him since the last time I went with Charlie to the reservation, I couldn't even remember when it was the last time. Jacob had changed so much lately, growing over two feet taller than he was and not to mention the thin clothes he always wore. I wanted to bring it to the Charlie but I left it alone. Afterall with all the chaos going on in my life I couldn't really say anything without being a huge hypocrite.

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