11. Friends

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11. Friends

            I wish I could say the rest of the week was exciting. Sitting at home all alone after the outing to Port Angeles was boring, to put it lightly. Mike hasn’t come over since the afternoon before Edward came. Since the situation with Tyler and Ben in the school cafeteria, Mike has been grounded and suspended from school. Charlie also went over to his house to tell his mother and Mike that he was prohibited from seeing me. Even I know that’s not gong to stop Mike no matter what.

He wasn’t expelled from school so there’s a chance he’ll be let back in. He was suspended until further notice. Turns out, Tyler’s leg was horribly bruised and he was in the hospital for two days because the doctor’s were afraid the bone was cracked. Unfortunately, his arm is in cast for a good month from the force Mike pushed him into the floor. If anyone had checked Mike, his bloodstream would be contaminated with drugs. That’s the only way he would be able to shove Tyler into the floor with that much force.

Tyler wouldn’t be able to allow him otherwise because Tyler’s the quarterback of the football team, the pitcher of the baseball team, and the fastest on the track team. Tyler really cares about Mike as a friend so he didn’t even try hard to defend himself.

The only good thing about all of this, I won’t have to deal with Mike at school for a little while. I avoid Port Angeles at all costs not even accepting invitations from Angela or Alice to go shopping. I learned the hard way that Alice isn’t easy to say no to. I say no to shopping, she brings back two to three bags full of clothes from her shopping adventure.

It’s hard to believe that so much time has pasted in the little amount of time. Turns out I was out of school for a few weeks instead of just one. I had pulled out a couple stitches one day and Dr. Cullen had to put them back as well as check other things. Charlie agreed that I would stay home until my arm was completely better since it was so easy to pull out the stitches.

Halloween is just around the corner and my arm is all better. In all honesty, I’m not looking forward to Halloween. Since some of the Cullens have been hanging around me, Alice thought it would be fun to have a huge Halloween party. Most of the school is surprised by her actions but I’m not. Alice is the type that craves attention for some reason and she loves any reason to splurge on money.

As far as I know, the Cullens have plenty to share.

Edward, Alice, and Angela have been coming over during the week and the weekend to keep me company. They’ve been switching roles on who brings my homework. Alice and Edward tend to be busy on certain days and can’t make it.

When Angela comes over, we have time to talk just us. Of course I haven’t said anything about my relationship with Mike and she doesn’t ask. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than Angie. Ben, on the other hand, has been giving me the same strange looks Alice and Edward have been giving me. If anyone could figure out what goes on behind closed doors between Mike and I, it would be Ben. Ben might be quiet and everything but he’s been here since Mike moved from California.

His best friend, Austin told me a while ago that just because Ben is quiet doesn’t mean he doesn’t know anything. I have to remember to get Ben some new comics the next time I go to a bookstore in Port Angeles.

My arm is much better now as I can go to school on Monday morning without a problem. I’m kind of nervous about going though. I haven’t seen Jessica or Lauren since that disaster of a birthday party.

The other thing is I’ve begun to notice certain things about the Cullen family. They haven’t invited me over to their house yet and since I haven’t been in school I haven’t sit with them yet. Rose and Emmett I haven’t talked to either nor have I met their mom, Esme.

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