34. Conflicting

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A/N: Mature Content ahead. Readers are warned!

34. Conflicting

Edward’s POV

Leaving the house had to be the hardest thing I had ever done. It was hard to be away from Bella when she was pregnant. Despite the fact that the kid was Mike’s, I loved it like it was my own. It was a part of Bella and I would love that kid no matter what because of that information. Discovering Bella was pregnant had been hard but to find out she had been raped the night before she knew made me so angry. I had never been so angry before in my entire vampire life. I wanted to kill Mike slowly painfully draining him from all the blood in his body before tearing him apart. I knew it would be hard to be in the room when she had the kid but I had to try something. Isabella would never be alone again, I would see to that fact.

“Edward? Let’s go hunting!” Alice called from behind me. I could hear Bella downstairs with Esme eating her lunch. I turned around to see Alice with Jasper who looked a little in pain. It was hard to forget that Jasper was having a much harder time with Bella in the house. She didn’t really cause a problem but her pregnancy made things harder for him. He told me her emotions were heightened during this stage and her blood was even worse. Sometimes it smelled bad but there were times it smelt better than ever before. Her blood barely sang to me these days because I had to watch her pain and not do a thing to help her. The idea of hunting sounded appealing but I dreaded leaving Bella so close to the birth.

“Things will be fine with Bella. She’ll take a nap after you leave and be right as rain,” Alice said with a grinning smile. I read her mind as precaution; Alice knew how important Bella was. Everything seemed fine through the entire time we were gone. I knew this was the time that we should take the longer hunting trip in preparation for the birth at the hospital. It would have been much better if Bella had chosen to have the baby at home with Carlisle giving birth but she knew it had to be at the hospital. Charlie would want to be there at her side to meet his grandchild. I sighed nodding, “Later. I want to spend some time with Bella.” I informed her. She nodded pulling Jasper with her as I headed down the stairs. Bella had been so tired lately that all she did was sleep most of the time. Carlisle said that was totally normal since she didn’t get much sleep at night from waking up so often.

As I came downstairs I saw Alice and Jasper leaving the kitchen heading back up the stars. Alice must have talked with Bella because she hiding something from me now. I gave her a curious look which she evaded confirming she was hiding something from me. I walked into the living room to find Bella stretched out on the couch as I walked over to her smiling down at her. I heard the distinct rise in pulse from her as I lowered down to her level, “Are you alright?” I was constantly worried about her. She merely nodded giving me a grin, “Perfect. This kid can’t come soon enough.” I chuckled reaching over and pressing my cool lips against her heated forehead before sighing. I hated having to leave her but I knew it was best. She must have heard the sigh as she asked, “What is it, Edward?” she asked with a hint of worry. I looked up at her hoping my smile would ease her nerves, “Alice and Jasper are going hunting tonight. At their mention of hunting, I realized I haven’t been in a while about a month and a half. I know you need me in the operating room with you at the hospital so I need to take precautions. We’re going to be gone for three to four days so I can hunt to feel stuffed so I don’t take risks,” I said gauging her reaction. She frowned and I knew it was probably the idea of me being gone for so long. There was something in her eyes that she was hiding from me; I had noticed it the day of graduation. I trusted Bella so if it were important she would tell me.

Her entire life was devoted to the unborn child. Though the closer it came to the birth I wished I could read her mind. If she were in something dangerous again as soon as the child was gone she would risk her life for everyone. “If you think that’s best,” she replied, “I’m sure Alice will see if anything changes while you’re gone. I love you, Edward.” If my heart could skip a beat it would every single time she said those three words. I grinned at her leaning over to give her a proper kiss along with a hug. It felt so good to have her in my arms out of harm’s way. We stood together me helping her from the couch so we could spend some time together. I pulled us into the room with the piano since it felt like I hadn’t really played in a while. Bella once told me that the music helped calm the child when it was restless. I helped her on the small seat beside me as my fingers moved across the keys. I felt her lean against me as the sounds of her lullaby floated around the room.

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