36. Burn

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A/N:This chapter may or may not have a few words from Breaking Dawn. I understand this is different than Breaking Dawn in a few ways but I wanted it different. No complaints please. No copyright infringement was intended.

36. Burn

Normal POV

            I sat in the meadow alone feeling the bright sunlight hitting my skin warming me completely. Leaning my head back I soaked in the sun with a smile on my face. Suddenly, something grabbed my hand clutching it to their chest with a strength that gained my attention. The smile fell as I turned my head to the blinding diamonds that sparkled along Edward’s chest. Blinking past the brightness I took in his smile but his eyes were worried. “Bella?” he asked with tenderness but also with worry. I smiled at him, “Edward, what’s wrong?” He narrowed his eyes at me, “Why did you do it?” I stared at him my smile faltering, “What?” I was confused. What was he taking about? He shook his head before glaring at me his eyes turning black, “Why did you do it? Why did you let Mike kill you?!” I stared at him confused knowing I was alive and sitting right beside him. I looked down suddenly feeling the intense pain from my abdomen. My arms instinctively covered my stomach but there was blood, so much blood. It almost gushed from my stomach. I tried to stand but dizziness took over making me shake.

My eyes searched for Edward but I couldn’t find him. He was gone. The meadow no longer looked bright and sunny. The sky had turned dark scarier than a horror flick. Thunder rolled and I looked down to see the ground was brown, all the flowers dead. There was suddenly a pool of blood along the cracked ground of the meadow where I saw a small body lying in the puddle of blood. Carefully, I crept toward the blood my heart hammering against my chest. Standing over the body, I reached down trying to brush the blood away from the face of the small body. In the pool of blood was a tiny baby with the face of Mike Newton.

Suddenly the thunder rolled again and lightning struck as rain fell from the eerily dark sky. I jumped looking up to see a figure standing over the baby. The rain came down so hard but I didn’t feel cold nor did I feel the water. The figure standing above the baby revealed their face to be Mike but he looked different. His hair was brighter and his skin was pale. He suddenly looked at me a sadistic smile on his face and that’s when I noticed that his eyes were no longer blue but blood red. “Now you’ll be with me forever,” he said before raising the gun that appeared at his side and fired in my direction.


            The pain was crippling. I felt as if my entire body had been submerged in a river of acid. My body felt like it was charred down to the bone. Trying to reject the pain did not work as the pain consumed my entire body. I couldn’t even feel my flesh I was confident it was gone completely. The agony stripped away all conscious thoughts. I couldn’t think past the blaze of pain. Tracking the time became practically impossible as I tried to separate my rational thoughts. I became to know that the stronger the pain meant that it was reality, that this was my reality. Though, when I could think past the ache I began to wonder why I hadn’t died yet. This was worse than death, it shouldn’t take this long to succumb to a fiery blaze.

There was another feeling. A feeling that was so strong it nearly rivaled the fire consuming my soul. It was that feeling of knowing something else was more important than the pain I suffered, but couldn’t remember. I hated this painful reality that I was forced into. It was hard to believe that just before this pain filled world, I was with the love of my life.


He, I could remember. I concentrated past the flames that licked at the edges of my mind to picture his face. His beautifully sculpted face that had to be made from marble was at the forefront of my mind. With his beautiful face at the front I was able to think past the flames, past the enormous pain. Before the blaze, there had been that sense of peace that overwhelmed me for a moment. It was such a remarkable feeling that I wanted to let go, to relinquish my hold on this earth. The only thing that stopped me was Edward. Knowing that I had him, I could not leave him alone. I had to be there for him there was something we both needed to take care of.

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