28. Halloween

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28. Halloween

            I still hate shopping despite the fact that I had fun with Alice and Rosalie. Alice had managed to find pieces for my costume but I still had no idea what she had come up with. I hoped that today I would know a little bit more about Alice’s costume. Anyway, the following week after the whole reveal seemed to speed by before any of us knew it. It was hard to imagine how nervous I had been that Monday entering school at Edward’s side. My truck was officially out of commission much to my disappointment, though I suspected either Edward or Charlie had pulled a battery cable from under the hood to keep me from driving anywhere on my own. The last run in with Mike proved I couldn’t be trusted with my own safety as well as the growing life within.

I had to hand it to Charlie, though; he had done a good job of getting Mike out of all my classes. It seemed his entire schedule had been altered just so I wouldn’t have a class with him. Lunch was unavoidable considering everyone in the entire school at the same lunch hour so I had to deal with his pointed glares as I sat at the Cullen table. Charlie had managed to get every teacher not to let Mike around me as well, much to my relief. At least in school he wouldn’t violate the restraining order placed on him by Charlie and made official by a judge during the week.

Surprisingly, since the week had gone by so fast I wasn’t able to dread the party as much. Unfortunately, all that dread came to the surface Friday afternoon. I was flanked most of the time by two Cullen members. One of the members was always Edward if he could; if not there were Rose and Alice. Jasper being a new member of their family I wouldn’t risk their secret just to keep me safe from my homicidal ex-boyfriend.

“Excited about the party?” Angela asked as we walked toward the cafeteria. It was the first time all week I was completely alone from a Cullen member. Most of the time Edward met me at my locker but I didn’t need anything since I had a last minute book grab before second period.

Apparently Alice had managed to invite the entire senior class to her Halloween party. The house was huge but the senior class was manageable to the main room of their house. I spent a little too much time there this week as it was. Charlie seemed happy that I had friends and was being kept safe. He even agreed with the party as long as there was no underage drinking and that I was home at a reasonable time or I stayed with Alice and Rose overnight. I almost gave a sharp reply, I’m pregnant already what could possibly happen, but I had the impression that was not something Charlie wanted to hear.

“Some.” I told her as we shoved the doors open. The entire school was in an uproar when I arrived Monday hand in hand with Edward. Despite being publicly boyfriend and girlfriend while I was pregnant with someone else’s child, we hadn’t kissed or anything close to that. My usual table was completely off limits to myself, Angela, and Ben. The rest of the table mostly took Mike’s side since his was the only one being voiced at the time. Rumors going around school were that I cheated on Mike or that Edward and I had hooked up, the child was his but I wanted Mike to suffer. What a load of mediocre garbage if they asked me.

I grabbed a tray of food as we joined the Cullen table. Rose took a few sticks of celery from her plate placing them on mine as I sat down. I raised an eyebrow but she merely grinned before patting her stomach. Realizing that she was doing this for the child I bit into one of them.

“Where’s Edward?” I asked toward Rose considering only she and Emmett were sitting at the table. She shrugged, “Not sure. Who walked you in here?” she asked.

I nodded toward Angie, “Just Angie. I didn’t stop by my locker because I grabbed a book before second period that I forgot this morning. I sent a message to Alice to tell Edward since he refuses to get a cell phone. The hall was crowded then so I didn’t have anything to worry about.”

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