23. Truth

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23. Truth

            I sat on the bed as Carlisle moved around the room. Edward had walked out with the claim he needed some fresh air. Carlisle wanted to check my vitals again as they hadn’t been able to get a good read on it when I first came in. Carlisle was gentle but the chill of his skin raised the goose bumps along my skin.

He smiled sadly apologizing, “I’m sorry about that…”

He trailed off getting that look in his eye before I placed my hand over his, “Don’t worry about it. The coldness makes me feel protected. Mike’s hands were also hot or warm because of the drugs. He kept a fever all the time from the drugs. I feel safe.”

He smiled as if he were happy to hear my words. I leaned back again watching him check my blood pressure along with my heartbeat. He even looked at my eyes since I passed out then the said something to himself. The door opened and Edward slid back into the room with a smile stretched across his face. I could tell he was fighting the emotions inside himself which I could almost see across his face.

“We need to get out of here. It’s almost six thirty.”

Carlisle nodded grabbing his things from the room, “I need to sign out with the front desk. I’ll meet the two of you in the waiting area.”

Edward nodded as Carlisle smiled at me before leaving. Edward came to my side of the bed once we were alone. I was already unhooked from all the cords and wires so Edward merely smiled at me before taking my hand. I was incredibly shaky on my feet as my legs wobbled and I fell into Edward’s arms once again. He frowned at me shaking his head, “I think we’re going to need a wheelchair. Unless you want me to carry you out of here…”

I shook my head quickly causing him to chuckle seeing the intense look on my face. He sat me back on the bed pressing his ice cold lips to my forehead before he left the room again. I was alone for the first time all day it seemed which only made my thoughts shuffle inside my head. It was strange how I felt, how out of control my life seemed to be going.

My hand instinctively cupped my stomach which only made me smile. I just discovered I was pregnant and my maternal instinct was already kicking in. I didn’t even know this child but it was mine from the moment it was created it was part of me. I already loved the child growing inside me wondering just how something beautiful could be created during such a horrible situation. I knew Mike would try anything in his power to force me to get rid of the child but this was proof things weren’t as bad as I always feared.

I was highly afraid of telling Charlie or allowing the people around town to know my secret. To know what I went through on a daily bases’ being Mike Newton’s girlfriend was going to be incredibly embarrassing. I wasn’t ready for people to know what I had been through. Mike’s family had gone through enough with losing the store and his father leaving. I was going to make things so much worst for them and I wasn’t sure if Mike would handle it all well or not. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes at just the idea of Mike’s downward spiral that was most certainly going to take place shortly after my reveal.

I dreaded walking into the station to see Charlie tonight. To tell him everything was going to be so incredibly difficult. He’d probably want to kill Mike for he did to me. For the rape and the continued abuse I suffered at his hand.

The door opened revealing Edward with a wheelchair which only made my face darken. He walked over to me sliding his hands underneath my body picking me up effortlessly. I watched his face wondering he strained at all before I remember the meadow where he pulled that piece of a tree from the ground without any effort on his part. It was as easy as blinking to him to pull that root from the ground or pick me up from the bed.

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