39. Legends

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A/N: So sorry about the long wait. I've been a little under the weather lately. Writer's block is a real b*tch. Don't worry though this story will be completely shortly. If it takes me months to finish this darn story, I will finish. Don't give up on me. As of right now this story has Forty-Four chapters and it will be done. That's including the epilogue. I hope you like this chapter despite the fact that it might not be that intertaining. Enjoy!

39. Legends

Edward ran ahead scouting the area with his sense of smell. It was obvious that Edward was being extra careful this time around. Though, I worried even he might be tempted by the smell from earlier. Immediately I turned my thoughts away. None of us wanted to think about my near failure right now. Jacob being behind me was enough of a reminder as it was. It seemed like forever Edward had us running. Neither of us could get winded but I had the distinct impression that wasn’t the case for Jacob even in wolf form. Perhaps Edward was trying to prove a point about something. Despite the push in running no one complained for a second.

The long run was trying my patience, though. I began to realize that Edward was taking full blame for my screw up. The thought had me stopping immediately. Edward hadn’t noticed my halt but Jacob had. He began growling at me to keep going but I merely shook my head. I folded my arms over my chest and stood my ground. No way in hell was I going to allow Edward to take blame for my failure. It wasn’t his fault that I got clumsy when hunting. Okay, so I am a newborn and I don’t have full control but that does not mean that Edward freaking Cullen gets blame himself for it.

Jacob sat down in front of me staring pointedly at me as we waited for Edward to notice our absence. It didn’t take him long before he doubled back staring between us. “What’s going on?” Edward asked. The question seemed directed toward Jacob instead of me. A confused expression stained Edward’s face, “Bella, why did you stop?” I turned toward him dropping my arms and staring at him, “You’re blaming yourself.”

Immediately his face clouded over as he turned away from me, “Of course, I’m blaming myself. Bella, you’re a newborn. You wouldn’t have thought about being cautious. I brought us out here and I didn’t think people would be hiking or camping so far from the trials. It’s easy to get lost out here for a human and I didn’t expect it. I should have, I should have been all over this place before I brought you here.” I rolled my eyes running in front of him before stopping. Raising my hand, I pointed a finger at his chest, “You don’t get to blame yourself. It was my fault. The lives of those humans would have been on me and me alone. Everyone in his family has done some bad things but that doesn’t make us bad people. Now, you’ve had us running full on in circles for fifteen minutes already. Any longer and I’m going to run on the first scent I get. Stop worrying and find us something to hunt.”

Edward met my eyes but I could see the surprise in his gaze. I never really stood up to him as a human. I never saw the point because he would always turn those devious eyes on me or that irresistible smirk and I crumble. Not this time, we were on the same level now and I realized I had a pull over him too. “You’re right. I have been a little too cautious. I’m just so worried those hikers are still in the area,” Edward says. I take his arms and turn in his chest allowing his arms to encase me. “You hold me, Edward. As long as you are holding me, I can’t get away,” I tell him.

I hear him sigh, “If only it were that easy.” I turn to give him my best pointed look, “Edward Cullen! I’ve got children to see.” He smiles at me placing a kiss on my forehead hearing a noise from the wolf currently in the peanut gallery. I turn my red eye gaze on him, “We’ll talk later. As of right now, hush.”

Edward smiles at me before narrowing his gaze, “Now focus, Bella. Just not too much.”  I roll my eyes as he attempts to wrap his arms around my in a tight grip, “When I let you go, it’s because you’ve got a scent, a better scent this time.”  I nod closing my eyes like before. This time Edward places his chin on my shoulder instead and I can feel his regulated breathing. “Listen, Bella…” Edward trails off and I take that as a good sign.

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