Going to the Placidium

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"KAYN!!!" Zed called to me.
"Yes master Zed?" I replied.
"I need you to go to the Placidium and help the Navori's out."
"Not that place Zed." I pleaded with Zed.
"Kayn, I know that you have bad memories of the Placidium but they need help desperately." Zed was basically begging me at this point.
"Besides they have woman leader who might spark some interest in you."
This got my attention.
"Go on..." I replied hesitantly
"Her name is Irelia, Xan Irelia."
I immediately recognized that name.
"You know her?" Zed asked.
"She was my ex girlfriend before the first invasion." I replied hesitantly because of the policy when it came to relationships, Zed gave me a death stare.
"Obviously when I left the order for a while."
"So that's why you left the order." Zed said almost mind blown.
"What did you think I was doing?" I replied almost confused.
"Kinkou." Zed replied short and sweet.
"God no-"
As I said that a messenger came to Zed with a letter.
"Whose it from?" I asked.
Zed took a quick glance and threw it into the trash.
"Shen. In the letter he said that he wanted you to fight his apprentice to the death." Zed said hastily. "Your going to say yes regardless of my input, right?"
"Correct." Zed replied quickly.
"This is why I hate you sometimes Zed." I said
Zed just smiled and laughed it off.
"This is why I love having you as my apprentice Kayn." Zed said to me.
"So I am going to fight Shen's apprentice then?" I asked Zed.
"Yes, yes you are."
"So we are going to fight today or tomorrow?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning at dawn." Zed replied "He specifically said at dawn for whatever reason."
The next morning
We are arrived at the spot where Shen told us to go.
"SHEN, SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" Zed yelled out. 
And sure enough Shen's apprentice was Akali.  Fast forward a bit.
Both Kayn and Akali are both exhausted and Shen breathing intensely.
"You fall down first little girl." I said
"No you first Scythe boy, be a gentleman." Akali said back.
They both collapsed at the same time.
Shen and Zed looked at each other and said
"Oh shit."
Incase you don't know when a male and female are fighting to the death in Ionia. Their hearts are linked as one. (I made that up but shush.)
After that Shen and Zed decided that Akali and Kayn should go the Placidium together.
Part 1 is complete out of idk lol

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