🌠Mine🌠 [Chaerji]

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Lee Chaeryeong Is a very shy student. She was always smart and very quiet. She only talks to her friends Yuna, Lia, and Ryujin.
Meanwhile, Yeji was a popular and well known student. She plays different sports but fails at every subject. Yeji and Chaeryeong don't really talk, they just have the same group of friends. Ryujin's birthday was coming up, so Lia decided to have a small get together party for Ryujin, nothing really big, just a couple friends. Yuna gathered everyone to discuss what gifts they will give Ryujin. While the Lia, Yuna, and Chaeryeong were discussing, Yeji Finally arrived. "Hey Guys! Sorry I'm late. I had to shower because I was sweaty". "No problem Unnie! Why don't you sit next to Chaeryeong Unnie. She has An empty seat" Yuna Said. "Sure! Hello Chaeryeong. Would you mind if I sit here" Yeji said. "Yes yes, you can sit here" As Chaeryeong remove her bag from the seat and onto the floor. Yeji noticed how shy and quiet she was, so she tried to make some small talk. "Chaeryeong, relax. We're all friends here. You don't have to put you head low, It's much better if you look up" Yeji said in a comforting voice. Chaeryeong was blushing like crazy, she could feel her heart going faster. "I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just used to being this way." She said in a quiet voice. Yeji said "If you're comfortable that way, I'm not gonna force you to do what you don't want to do. Yuna then said in a excitingly teasing way "You guys look cute together! Yeji, Chaeryeong Kissing in their seats, K-I-S-S-I-N-" "Yuna-ya! You're making Chaeryeong uncomfortable!" Lia yelled. Yeji rolled her eyes and said "Yuna, we're here to discuss Ryujin's birthday gift. Not to ship our friends. Let's not waste time anymore and discuss". They discussed everything for about 1 hour and 30 minutes until they noticed it was getting dark. "Oh! It's getting dark Unnie" Yuna said while tapping Lia's arm. "I know. Well I think we should get going now, Ryujin might be waiting for us in our apartment. Bye now, Drive safely!" Lia said. While Chaeryeong was fixing her stuff, Yeji waited for her.

"Unnie you don't have to wait for me, just go now"

"Do you have a ride?"

"I- I'm fine on my own"

"Really? The weather broadcast said it's going to rain tonight"

"I brought my umbrella"

"Still, plus, there's creepy people everywhere, and I know you can't fight. So please, let me give you a ride. Tell me where you live and I'll take you there"

"I live in *********"

"WHAT! That place is far and you take a taxi there everyday?"

Chaeryeong looked down said shyly "I- I walk there..."

"Ok... I'm definitely giving you a ride, get in my car"

It was getting really late but they we're still very far from Chaeryeong's home. Yeji thought of something but hesitantly said it

"Hey Chaeryeong"

"Yes Unnie?"

"Do you want to stay at my apartment for the night?"

"Uhhh- I don't know"

"If we arrive at your place tonight it would be 1 AM already. And you said you wake up at around 5 AM to get ready for school, not to mention You have to cook dinner and do your night time routine and-" Yeji gets cut off by Chaeryeong hungry stomach.

"I'm sorry Unnie... That was embarrassing" She said while tears drop down her face.

"I- Chaeryeong... no need to be sorry. Please don't cry" As Yeji wipes Chaeryeong's face with her hands.

"Unnie I'm sorry"

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday..." she said shyly

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