🦋Feelings🦋 Pt. 2 [Jinlia]

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I came back to the classroom to see a girl sitting beside my chair. She must be my seatmate. I sat down and she looks at me with a confused face. I introduce myself to her but she ignored me. Yuna then passed me a note and I read it in my mind.

The note said 
'Unnie I'm sorry about my cousin. She's not this rude to everyone. Come with us later :)'

I smiled to her and told her to listen to class. 

-Time Skip-

Ryujin POV

We heard the bell rang and the 3 girls told me they want to talk. We all go in a room with no one in it and locked the doors.

Yeji was the first one to talk.

"Ryujin hear us out... We've been dying to get a new girl in our squad. You know we're known being a group of 5. That is, when she cheated on you... Not the point-"

I interrupted Yeji and said with a cold voice

"I'm not interested. You know that. I need more time to heal from everything"

"We're not asking you to date  or become friends with her. We just want someone else to join the squad. If she ever ruins you, we'll make sure to take revenge. She's s foreigner, an easy target" Chaeryeong said

Chaeryeong wasn't usually saying bad stuff like that so I was surprised. I sighed and nodded.

"Just to be clear, it's Your Guys' Friend. Not mine"

Yuna gave me a big smile and hugged me

"Yay! I'M GUNNA HAVE A NEW FRIEND!" Yuna exclaimed

We all go out of the room and enter the cafeteria. The 3 girls approach someone... She looks familiar... Wait a minute, isn't she my seatmate?!

Well this just got awkward... They signaled me to come sit at the table. Yuna, Yeji and Chaeryeong were seated in front of this Lia girl... I guess I have to sit beside her...

I sat down and saw her the cutest eye smile of my life it warms my heart to see her smile- Wait what am I saying. Snap out of it...

They were talking for a while until lunch was over.


"Awww unnie we have to go now..." Yuna said with a sad face.

I ask what her schedule was hoping we'd have the same one. We all looked at our schedules and to my surprise me and Ryujin got all the same classes while the other 3 got different ones...

Everyone was giving me that smug smirk they were giving when I first sat down... Could they be shipping us?! OH THESE GIRLS BETTER NOT. NO WAY- To be fair tho Ryujin is kinda hot but still. She looks cold and uninterested. 

Ryujin POV

I notice Lia looking confused. 

"Your name is Lia right? What's wrong?" I asked

"I- I don't really know where the classroom is-" She asked while looking down. She seemed intimidated by me.

"Follow me" I said coldly 

"A- are you sure? I don't want to bother you"

"We're going to the same place. Just follow me"

She nodded and followed behind me. She seems to be a very shy person. She keeps quiet when I'm around her but often bubbly around others. Did I do anything wrong? We were passing by the hallway when some jerk in the hallway started flirting with her. He was part of the football team so he was pretty popular. He started touching Lia's shoulders and down to her arms. I could see Lia was uncomfortable. 

ITZY | JinLia  / Chaerji One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now