🌸Never Got Over U🌸 [JinLia]

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Ryujin POV:

The cozy atmosphere in the Café calms me down every time.  Something about the yellow lighting, or the comfy couch gives me such a warm sensation. It's raining today and I figured what better day to go out. I'm always in my apartment being a mess and crying my heart out anyways. I still miss Lia everyday. If I hadn't kissed that other girl, I wouldn't be like this. I don't blame her for breaking up with me, actually scratch that, I was the one that broke up with her. I'm just an Ass hole anyway. I never got over her.

Today is also our 5th year anniversary. Well, if we didn't break up that is. I bought her favorite  Cake and flowers. At least pretend she's here so I can cope with the pain.

- Flash back 2 years ago -

"Fuck You Shin Ryujin" Lia said as she slapped me. "4 Fucking Years. You were with me for 4 fucking years. And You decide to Cheat on me?" I didn't dare say anything. Her punches, slaps, pushes weren't as painful as her words. She was crying on the floor while I try to hold my tears. She caught me kissing a girl at the bar. I was drunk out of my mind when it happened.

"Was I not enough? Did your love die for me? I can make you love me again" I couldn't hold my tears anymore and broke down. 

"I'm sorry Lia, it's just not that special to me anymore" I said. What the hell was I thinking? I couldn't let her go. "Shin Ryujin I love you. But if that's what you want so be it. Goodbye" and with that, she stormed off into the cold night. I felt sick to my stomach. Did I really just dump the most caring, loving woman in my life? 

- End Of Flashback - 

As I was having flashbacks of the memories of her, I saw a couple at my right arguing. 

"You're so stupid. I told you me and the girl were only friends" the guy said. The girl looked at him with a pissed, disappointed, disgusted expression while trying to keep her cool. She was wearing sun glasses while keeping her hood up, clearly hiding the fact that she's crying.


" Okay listen. I'm just gonna say it. I'm So sick of being with you. Every second of my life has been Hell when I'm with you. It's like you're never over your Ex. I'll wait for you in the car." and with those words the guy left. I saw the girl just wiping away her tears frozen. I gave her time to put herself together. I was hesitant but I sat beside her.

"Hey. This- Uhhh... Sorry I'm just not used to talking to new people but ummm. I understand what you're going through. I- I cheated on my ex by accident. I was drunk but, I said hurtful things to her that scarred her..." She took a deep sigh and introduced herself.

"Today is me and my love's anniversary. I still love her despite everything. She told me I wasn't special anymore. I go to this café during our anniversary to maybe find her someday. I'm Lia by the way" 


A/N: It's been A while but I cannot think of anything so Enjoy this okay-ish chapter I guess.💕

(This Chapter was Edited)

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