Attention [Chaerji]

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"Yeji~" Chaeryeong called out her girlfriend. Yeji was busy on her laptop doing her school work, and Chaeryeong is bored since she finished hers before the due date. "Not now Chaeryeong" Yeji said pushing her girlfriend away.  The tone of her voice was cold and annoyed. Chaeryeong pouted and mumbled "If you would've done it sooner you would have time for me, but no. You decide to do it on the due date" Yeji got a bit frustrated and got mad at Chaeryeong. "You know what, go hang out with someone else. I have a lot to do. Just do anything else than to bother right now."

Hearing what Yeji said made Chaeryeong even more upset. Tears were visible and she felt like Yeji doesn't want her anymore, but Yeji didn't care. All she could focus all right now is completing her work. Chaeryeong sighed and went to their shared bedroom and locked the door scribbling a little note on it. 

= Fast Forward=

It was now 10:58 P.M. It was late and Yeji was tired. She stood up from her desk and went to the kitchen to drink a refreshing cup of water. She completely forgot about the mini fight they had earlier and wanted to drift away to dreamland. When she turned the door knob in their room, it was locked. "Chaeryeong!" she knocked. She looked down to the note and read it.

"Dear Yeji, 

You're sleeping on the couch tonight. I know there are prettier and better girls than me, but no one can love you better than I do. I'll be a better girlfriend next time


Yeji rolled her eyes and thought to herself 'Oh God. She's overthinking again'. She knocked at the door again but gently this time and called her girlfriend softly. "Chaeryeong, can you please open this door?" She asked.

"No. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. Bye bye and Goodnight" Chaeryeong said. She sounded like she was crying and Yeji didn't want to make it worse. She knew if she just gave Chaeryeong a bit of space, she'd be fine.

She walked over to the couch and tried to sleep but it was uncomfortable. She was very cold because of the rain and realized all their blankets were inside their room. She didn't want to disturb Chaeryeong, so she placed her cold arms inside her t-shirt leaving the sleeves hanging.

Another 20 minutes of trying to sleep and still no luck. Eventually, she heard the door open revealing the person mad at her. She pretend to sleep thinking Chaeryeong was thirsty and came out for water. But then she felt her presence in front of her and slowly opened her eyes and saw Chaeryeong looking at her with teary eyes. Chaeryeong cupped Yeji's cheeks while apologizing to her.

 Chaeryeong cupped Yeji's cheeks while apologizing to her

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"Unnie you can sleep at our bed now. I'm sorry I forced you to sleep here. It's warmer beside me"

As she stood up, Yeji grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to the couch. Chaeryeong was laying on top  of Yeji, while Yeji plays with Chaeryeong's hair.

"Hey don't be sorry. I should be the one apologizing to you. What you should be sorry for is saying you're a bad girlfriend. When I say you're the prettiest most precious thing I saw in my life I wasn't lying" Yeji said while she gave Chaeryeong a short peck on the lips.

Chaeryeong bounced up and down when she heard what her girlfriend said. "I'll be waiting inside!" As she runs out of Yeji's arms and onto the bed. Yeji lazily stands up and walks over to their room with Chaeryeong's arms wide open waiting for her girlfriend to come.

 Yeji lazily stands up and walks over to their room with Chaeryeong's arms wide open waiting for her girlfriend to come

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Yeji could tell she wanted nothing more than to cuddle. She sits in the mattress and puts her hand in the pillow and it was wet, must've been Chaeryeong's tears.

"Come here Yeji-ah" Chaeryeong calls. Yeji snuggled herself in the crook of Chaeryeong's neck smelling the lavender scent tattooed on her.  Yeji pecked her girlfriends lips and said

"I love you Chaeryeong"

"I love you more Yeji"

"I love you most"

A/N: Hello Readers! I've been sick this past 3 weeks so I didn't publish any new chapters, and I'm sorry about that. Instead, I give you this procrastinated one I wrote. 

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