🌠Mine🌠 Pt. 3 [Chaerji]

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Yeji and Chaeryeong arrived at the mall Excited.

"Hurry Yeji!"

"Yah wait"

When they got out of the car they headed straight to the stuff toy shop. Chaeryeong was smiling excitedly like a child looking at all the stuffed toys.

"Yeji Look! A cute brid"

"Not as cute as you~" Yeji whispered to herself

"What was that?"

"Oh i- Uhmm nothing. I just need to go to the restroom real quick"

Yeji walked away flustered heading to the restroom nearby. She locked the door and gave herself a speech in the mirror.

"Yeji get yourself together *slap* Why is your heart beating fast?! It's very unlikely of you. Well to be fair Chaeryeong is hot, cute, innocent, tasty- Wait WHAT?! Stop it you pervert! Ok ok I need to calm down" Yeji said to herself

While Yeji was in the restroom, Janet and her friends noticed Chaeryeong alone.

"Well, Well, well, look who we have here. It's such a big coincidence. Ladies, I think you know what we have to do here"

Janet and her friends approach Chaeryeong with their arms crossed and spun her around.

"Hi. It's nice to see you here"

"I- Please go away"

"What did you say? You can't tell me what to do just because Yeji defended you or because your rich. You think you're entitled"

"Look Janet, I don't know what I did to you, just leave me alone"

Janet spilled her coffee onto Chaeryeongs shirt and face

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Look at that pathetic Bitch. If Yeji really cared for you, she would actually be here (Spiderman Reference <3)

Chaeryeong was just crying On The Ground helpless. No one in the staff wanted to help because they know how rich Janet's family is.
Meanwhile Yeji bathroom...

"Ok Ok Yeji get out there. She's been waiting for 8 mins. Act cool and Casual"

Yeji went out expecting Chaeryeong to be looking for gifts, but she saw Janet and her friends bullying Chaeryeong again.


"YEJI IS HERE?! SINCE WHEN?!" Janet said shocked


"Yeji I didn't know you were here" Janet said while looking down

"SO IF I WASN'T HERE YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU WOULD CONTINUE HITTING HER YOU DUMB ASS BIT-" Yeji said while her hand preparing to hit Janet but at the right moment Chaeryeong's shaky hand stopped Yeji.

"Yeji~ Don't make a scene" Chaeryeong said with all her strength. Yeji just stopped and calm down hearing what Chaeryeong said.

"We should go Ryeong. I don't want to see these people"

Chaeryeong nodded and walked out of the store soaking wet.

"Ryeong. Let's get you something comfy first. They ruined your shirt... technically mine, but it looks better on you"

Chaeryeong blushed at what Yeji said and just smiled. They went into a clothing store and Yeji let Chaeryeong pick what she wanted. Chaeryeong chose what she wanted and went into the changing room. Yeji on the other hand, talked to the register...

ITZY | JinLia  / Chaerji One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now