2: Is she better than me?

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"Why'd you leave? The party's just getting started," Boo whines as we relocate to a shrine. It's been forever since I've panicked in a dream, and this is where I normally go when I want to think things through. Cherry blossoms in September? No problem.

"Shut up," I command, waving my hand to vanish Boo.

Now it's just me in the pagoda, surrounded by luminescent koi fish. Time to wrap my head around this.

The last time I wasn't in control of a dream was...shit, I can't even remember. I was still probably in college.

Okay, who or what was that? I'm well aware that there's nothing in dreams that you haven't seen before. But that's just it—this woman has to be something my brain has recorded in my subconscious. Even so, it doesn't make sense: how is she unaffected by my commands, and worse, altering them even? Maybe I need to do extra research about this.

"Cherry blossoms in September? Nice touch," a voice from behind says. It's the girl from earlier, throwing a mischievous smirk. What the fuck? Even here?!

I open my hand to manifest an emerald broadsword and charge towards her. The blade scrapes against the pavement, leaving sparks before I raise it at her. After all, no one really dies in a dream, right?

"Come on, no need for that!" She raises a finger to block the blade and, in turn, shatters it, knocking me down in the process. "And to think I just complimented your taste," she says as she clicks her tongue and shakes her head.

"What are you?! How are you doing this?"

The woman shrugs. "I don't know, I just end up wherever."

Well, isn't that a convenient answer? It'll take more than that to convince me, though. "So, you're saying you're a real person?"

"Last I checked, yeah," she answers, helping me up. "Kim Dahyun." She extends for a handshake, which I reluctantly reciprocate. To be fair, her name goes well with how cute her grin is, like how her eyes close into little slits in the process. "And you are?"

"Hi-Hirai Momo..." I respond. "This still doesn't explain how you are in my dream, let alone sentient in it."

The sound of wind chimes grows louder by the second, unnerving the fish as the lake ripples.

"Is this you as well?" I ask, seeing my sanctuary being desecrated.

Dahyun looks at her wristwatch. "Well, that's me—have to wake up. It's, uh, nice to meet you...Momo-ssi."

And just like that, I'm all by myself as the water stills itself again.


I know most people forget what they dream of after minutes of waking, but not me. They always stay with me. People could even say I have a photographic memory.

The first thing I do upon regaining consciousness is search for this Kim Dahyun. And...none of these profiles look like the girl in my dream—not even a sliver of resemblance.

Relax, Momo. You're overthinking a dream. Even the best systems can have an occasional bug. That's right—it must be a bug.

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