5: What the?

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"You really are stubborn, aren't you?" Dahyun asks as we face the expanse of an ocean of her own doing.

I shrug. "They'll survive without me for a day." Well, maybe. It's just that I'm in too deep to be interrupted now.

"Don't let go of my hand," Dahyun instructs as she tilts her head upwards.

"Don't we need another one of your apples?"

She chuckles before everything goes pitch black.

"You're not to shy against naked bodies right?" Dahyun asks.

What? Naked bodies? What the—

My eyesight slowly returns, only to be in front of her with no clothes on. "Dahyun-ssi, what are you doing?!"

"This is where everyone is at their core. There are no clothes here," she coolly explains.

Wait, so I'm naked too?! I gesture for my arms to cover my private parts, but there is no feeling. What the, where are my arms?! My body?! "What did you do to me?!" I cry out.

Dahyun waves her finger at me, clicking her tongue. "You're nothing more than an abstract concept here, Momo-ssi. To me, you look like a glowing blue orb right now.

"What?! But why am I seeing your..." I eye her whole body: there doesn't seem to be a dark spot anywhere. She's white and flawless as fuck! Damn, even her nipples seem to blend in with her fair complexion. This...this is...wow.

She furrows her eyebrows at me. "Wait, are you checking me out right now?!" She proceeds to cover her breasts.

"Uh...sorry, I didn't expect to see tits today. Anyway, what is this place?"

"Didn't take you for a pervert." Dahyun lets her guard down, sighing as she points to the side, revealing a gigantic statue of herself. Behind it are light streaks, similar to that of an aurora borealis. "This is the deepest part of my mind. The actual subconscious."


We float all the way up to the statue's ear canal, which opens up to a tunnel made out of wires.

"Where are we going?"

"To put it simply...we're headed to the actual third level of a dream," she answers, calmly waltzing inside this labyrinth.

"I have a question..." Boy, do I have a lot.

Dahyun looks back at me. What is it with this girl and that smirk?! "I'm sure you have a lot, but shoot."

"You're not an abstract concept because this is your subconscious, right?" I mean, that's a logical explanation, isn't it?

"A little off the mark, but you're somewhat right," Dahyun affirms, jumping off the ledge into a tube. "I was once like you, a ball of light and color," she shouts as she slides down. "But, once you're able to manifest your body in the third level, that means you've mastered it."

As we make it down to a platform, it moves across walls upon walls of monitors. Some work, some don't.

"Let me guess, these are your memories?"

She nods at me. "Very good! You're really a fast learner." Somehow, her tone's mocking me but, with this spectacle around us, I don't care. "More than just memories, this space contains every thought that went inside this," she adds, pointing to her temple. "What else? Man, just think of this place as a powerful repository of everything that you encountered."

Holy shit. This is a lot to take in. My thoughts wander off to what my subconscious looks like. "Dahyun-ssi, why aren't some screens showing anything?"

She simply shrugs. "I actually don't know. I'm guessing they're the times I went in other people's dreams. You know, since those aren't really reliable."

Well, it does make sense. I try to, my mind rather, grit my teeth in hopes of manifesting a body here. Exasperated, I admit: "I can't create my body here."

"I think you won't be able to, since you're just part of my brain at this point. Just be thankful you're witnessing this now. This is some top secret stuff, y'know?" I'm expecting another smirk, but it doesn't happen. Oops.

"Has anyone else been here?" I had to ask because, ever since the beginning, nothing has been making sense.

Dahyun hums and shakes her head.

"Then why did you bring me here?"

She winces. "Isn't it obvious at this point?"

Yeah, I guess I'm the only one she encountered who has that much control over dreams. It still doesn't explain how she ended in mine multiple times. Or why she thinks I'm privileged to be here.

I wander off to look at the other screens—from childhood birthday parties to graduations. There is, however, one monitor, way up, that catches my attention due to its familiarity.

"Don't wander too far, you might end up in someone else's dream. I won't know how to get you back if that happens," Dahyun shouts from below.

Wait—this is me. Or a dream of mine. This is the time I dreamt of dancing ballet in a flaming tutu. Of course, this one's hard to forget. But this was, what, years ago? What's this doing in Dahyun's memories?

She speaks softly behind me. "Okay, I'll fess up: I've been looking into your dreams for a while now."


Dahyun takes me back to the first level, the garden. A wave of relief goes over me, seeing my own body again.

"Are you mad at me?" she asks, staring at the grass.

"No," I shake my head. "I-I don't know." Sure, Dahyun's a hottie, but stalking my dreams?! Who knows what she saw!

"I didn't mean to, I promise," she explains. "It happened by accident, when I was trying to master the third level."


"I wandered off too far, not knowing how that place worked, and somehow ended in your dream," she buries her face into her knees.

Okay, that seems reasonable. "Dahyun-ssi...why didn't you approach me sooner? That dream was years ago!"

Dahyun looks up and scoffs. "Hah! Like it's that easy to approach your crush!" Upon uttering the last word, she immediately covers her mouth.

Eh? A crush? Dahyun has a crush on me? Did I get that right?

"No, no! Forget I said anything!" She waves her hands, flustered. "Just...wake up already or something."


She hums in response, her forearm muffling the sound.

"...would you like to meet? In reality?"

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