Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 3

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I stood at the school gates waiting for Sean, when I felt two hands cover my eyes. "Guess who," I pulled away the hands and turned around. I looked into the dark brown eyes that belonged to Sean.

"Hey Sean," I said with a smile. I was actually happy to see him again. We've been texting quite a lot since our date.

"Good guess," he said with a smirk. "So..." he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the school grounds. "Are you going to show me around this place then?"

"Since you have to be in registration in fifteen minutes, I thought I'd introduce you to my friends." He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Introducing me to your friends already? Our date must've gone great then." I laughed as we stopped at my group of friends.

"Hey guys, this is Sean; my friend. He just transferred here into lower sixth," he smiled at everyone as they introduced themselves.

"Actually, I'm more than just a friend," he told them with a smirk.

"Sean we've been on one date," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well how about we have an unofficial one, and meet up with me at lunch?" I looked into his hopeful eyes.

"Fine," I said with happiness. "Anyway we should get going. We need to find out who your registration teacher is." With some quick goodbyes, Sean and I made our way to the office. "You can take your arm off my shoulders now."

"I'm not going to though. I like the jealous looks we're getting, and I like my arm around your shoulders."

"Well I don't want to boost your already big ego." I tried pulling away, but he tightened his arm around me. I sighed in defeat, but not really wanting his arm to move away.

We waited for the receptionist to get Sean's timetable and when she did, we started walking out of the office. "Who's your registration teacher?" He looked down at his timetable before answering.

"Mr Craig," I nodded and made our way towards Maths. "Are you not going to get in trouble for being late?" I turned to Sean and shook my head.

"Mr Craig teaches me Business, so I'll get him to write me a note if I need one."

"If he teaches you Business, why are we going to the Maths block?" I looked up at his confused face.

"He's also a Maths teacher," he nodded understanding, as a small laugh escaped my lips.

Sean let his arm drop as we walked into Mr Craig's room. Everybody turned to look at us, whispering about the 'new guy'. Sean and I walked over to Mr Craig who was standing beside his desk. "Hey Rachel; what can I do for you?" he said looking at me.

"Nothing, I'm just here to tell you that you've got a new idiot in your registration group." He looked over at Sean.

"Ha-ha very funny," Sean said rolling his eyes.

"Anyway; this is Sean Williams," Mr Craig nodded and shook Sean's hand.

"You're Paul's brother aren't you?" Mr Craig asked him.

"Yes Sir," Mr Craig nodded and turned to me.

"Are you showing him around?" I nodded with a smile. "I'll have him meet you outside your registration room, so you can show him to assembly." I nodded and made my way out.

"See you later Sean," and with that I walked down the corridor to my own registration room. "Sorry I'm late Sir. I was showing Sean where his room was." Mr Williams nodded and I took my normal seat.

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