Dating My Teachers Brother. Part 29

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Sorry it's so short. I'm not going to write a note at the end because I can't be bothered. I know it's late again, but writers block and school have stopped uploads. I'm trying my hardest but my life's hectic at the moment and this isn't one of my highest priorities. Sorry about the infrequent updates.
But thanks for sticking with me and reading it whenever I do upload it :)
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“She hates me Paul,” I said making him chuckle.

“She’s not even here,” he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Yeah but when she was here,” he rested his head against mine while swinging the bench swing slightly. “It’s all your fault anyway,” he laughed and turned his head to look at me.

“How’s this my fault?” I looked down at my hands and tried not to smirk.

“You always make things complicated. Don’t forget you might have to pretend to have another girlfriend. And while you’re doing that, I’m sitting in my house afraid she might want to be your real girlfriend.” I know he doesn’t like talking about this, but it’s just too hard not to tease him.

“What’s this I hear? The perfect couple arguing?" Anthony said skipping over to us. Literally skipping.

"No she's just trying to make me feel bad." Paul answered as Anthony sat down beside me.

"I don't have to. You did all that yourself when you made up a fake girlfriend." I stated while looking at my nails, trying to keep a straight face.

"Dude you made up a fake girlfriend? That's low even for you. If you don't want Rachel just say and I'll happily have her." Anthony joked while pulling Paul's arms from my shoulders, replacing it with his own.

"I don't have a fake girlfriend. And if you touch her again I will kill you." He threatened warningly while tearing Anthony's arm from my shoulders. "We're quite happy thank you very much," he said entwining his fingers with mine.

”Yeah well when you do something that can’t be forgiven, I’ll be waiting Rachel.” He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes before resting my head on Paul’s shoulder.

“Is everyone heading home now?” Paul asked as people started to walk around the side of the house.

“Yeah I think so,” Anthony answered standing up.

“We should probably head home as well,” Paul stood up making the swing move backwards slightly.

“You can stick around longer if you guys want. There’s still a few people hanging around,” Anthony said while I stood up beside Paul.

“Thanks but it’s midnight and it took us an hour to get here. You don’t live close to town Ant.” Anthony laughed as we walked around the side of the house.

“Fair enough, but we should do something next weekend or something.” I pulled my jacket tighter around me, stopping at the corner of Anthony’s house.

“Yeah I’ll call you during the week,” Paul answered hugging Anthony.

“I’ll be in town during the week so I’ll come and see you then.” They pulled away as I stood there freezing. I know it’s March, but it’s still cold at midnight.

“Yeah I’ll call you,” Paul glanced at me while answering Anthony.

“Okay,” Anthony turned to me and smiled. “It was nice meeting you,” He said kissing my cheek before pulling me into a hug.

“You too Anthony,” I pulled away and smiled at him.

“I’ll see you guys later,” he shouted as we walked over to Paul’s car. I quickly slid it, trying to get out of the cold.

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