Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 13

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"You were meant to take that exit," I told him as he took another exit at the roundabout. 
"No I didn't have to. You can go this way as well. I think I should know since I'm the one driving." I rolled my eyes before looking out the window. "Why are they flying to this airport anyway? No one uses this one. They all use the city airport." I shrugged and glanced at him. 
"I don't know. This is the one they usually fly from and to." He nodded as he pulled into the airport. 
"What did I tell you?" he asked with a smirk. I hit him and got out of the car as soon as he parked. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, feeling the cold December air hit me. It's the start of December which means Christmas is soon. As I walked through the doors, Williams slipped his arm around my waist. He's gotten more confident with being affectionate towards me. I think he was still a bit unsure about us at first. But since our date he's been more confident. It's quite cute to be honest. "I guess no one using this airport means we don't have to keep looking I've our shoulder." 
"I wouldn't be too sure," I said nodding behind him. He turned his head quickly making me laugh. He turned back around and narrowed his eyes as we stopped in front of the arrival board. 
"You little tease," I laughed and looked at the board. "Twenty minutes," I nodded as he pulled me over to some benches. We sat down and he laced his fingers with mine. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke. "What did you get up to with Lee yesterday?" I turned around and rested my back into his chest. He put an arm around my shoulders and kissed the back of my head. 
"Not a lot. We just hung out and he helped me with my Maths homework. My Maths teacher thinks we're all genius and can do this super hard work." He chuckled, sending vibrations through my back. 
"Well I'm sure this amazing Maths teacher has his reasons. He probably just wanting you guys to think and work hard so you can all get A stars." I tilted my head back and looked at his ice blue eyes. 
"I never said amazing," he laughed showing off his white teeth. "And that's not the description I would use. I think I would say he's more of an annoying, self centred, someone you want to punch in the-" he cut me off by capturing my lips with his. I closed my eyes and moved my lips against his. I turned around so my neck wasn't hurting. I tangled my fingers in his hair, before pulling away and resting my forehead on his. “I think I forgot to mention the fact that he always interrupts people.” He laughed, his sweet breath sweeping past my face.
“He sounds like my type of person.” I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, resting his hand on my hip.
“I’ll tell him you’re interested. We always thought he was gay anyway.” He laughed and rested his cheek on my head.
“Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve got a girlfriend.” I smiled but couldn’t help but blush that he called me his girlfriend.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked him after a few minutes.
“Yeah,” I sighed and put my legs over his. He put his hand on them to stop them from falling.
“Would you be mad if I told someone about us?” I asked playing with his tie. I have to say, he looked sexy in his work clothes.
“It depends. Who have you told?”
“No one yet, I just feel like.” I sighed and shook my head.
“Like you need to talk to someone that’s not me or Sean?” I nodded and lifted my head from his shoulder.
“Basically yeah, but I don’t want to if you’ll have a problem with it.” He smiled and rested his elbow on back of the seat. He ran his hand through my hair and played with the ends.
“Who were you thinking of talking to?”
“Lee,” he sighed and scratched the back of his head. “You don’t want me to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to. It’s just; Lee will probably end up killing me or something. He’s really protective over you. He’s known you since you were little kids. I’m unsure of how he’ll react,” I smiled and stroked his jaw line, feeling the slight stubble.
“If he gets mad I’ll be able to calm him down. I trust him Paul,” he smiled slightly and nodded.
“Okay, if you trust him, then so do I. Do you want me to me there with you?” I shook my head and smiled.
“I don’t even know when I’m going to tell him. My parents are out on Saturday night so it’ll probably been then.” He nodded and looked up at the arrival board. He stood up and held his hand out to me. I wrapped my fingers through his long bony ones, and he pulled me up. We walked towards the arrivals and waited for my parents.
“I’m just realising, you called me Paul.” I laughed ass he smiled down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Don’t get used to it,” he laughed and lowered his head.
“I like hearing you call me Paul,” he whispered before pressing his lips to mine. I gripped his shirt and moved my lips in sync with his. He nipped at my bottom lip and I allowed him entrance. He massaged my tongue with his as he slid hi hand around to my lower back. I tilted my head to the side and tangled one of my hands in his hair. Then it hit me where we were and we were waiting in my parents. I pulled away trying to catch my breath. 
"My parents will uh be coming through soon." He laughed as I tried to form a sentence. 
"Well that was to keep me some what content until we get home. With your parents with us I don't think I'll be able to do that." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, resting my cheek on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. Almost like he never wanted to let go. “Any chance you’re going to tell your parents about us?” He teased knowing I wouldn’t have the guts to tell them. I laughed and shook my head.
“I could say the same thing about you.”
“I won’t need to tell them. When you leave school and we tell everyone, Sean will do it for me when he moves back with them. There will be no way he’ll stay with me when he finds out.” I pulled away and looked up at him. I moved the bits of hair that had fallen on his forehead.
“Why do you sound like you don’t care about that?” He smiled and shrugged.
“Because I don’t care. I don’t think I could cope without you in my life. And if that means Sean hates me, so be it.” He stroked my cheek while smiling. “I know we’ve only been dating for a week, but I’ve known you for nearly two years. I care so much about you, and I know I would rather have you in my life than anyone else. Which is weird because I’m close to my sister; yet I would not talk to her if it meant I still had you.” I smiled but I could feel the blush appearing on my cheeks. “But I think my sister would like you anyway.” I laughed and pushed his chest.
“People are walking out of the arrivals now.” I said signalling towards the door. He nodded and he started walking over. I gripped his hand and moved closer to him. “Stay tonight,” he looked down at me confused.
“But it’s not Saturday or Sunday?” I laughed and shrugged.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t stay tonight. But if you don’t want to I-”
“No I want to,” he said quickly making me laughing. He groaned and quickly wrapped his arm around me. “You’re such a tease,” I smiled as he dropped his arm from my shoulders. He put them in his trouser pockets as we waited for my parents.
"There they are," I said walking towards my parents. I smiled as they stood in front of us. "Hey," I said hugging them. "How was your trip?" I asked as we headed towards the car. 
"It was good. Thanks Paul for coming to get us," my mum said to Williams. 
"It was no bother. You're Xavier and Rachel's parents so I wasn't going to say no."
They made conversation as we walked to the car. As my dad was putting their bags in the car, I turned to Williams. "You know I think you look sexy in your work clothes?" I whispered while stroking his hand with mine. He groaned in the back of his throat and wrapped his fingers around mine. 
"I can't believe you just said that. Are you purposely trying to torture me here?" I laughed and walked away from him. I smirked as I got into the backseat of the car. I put on my seatbelt before taking out my phone. My parents and Williams got into the car before we drove out of the car park. I put my earphones into my phone and went to my iPod. I put on some music before settling into the drive.

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