Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 18

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"I'll pick you up in an hour?" Williams said as I walked out of the bathroom. 
"But what I'm I meant to wear? I don't even know where we're going." He chuckled through the phone as I walked into my closet. 
"I'm taking you somewhere fancy this time. So that means no jeans and probably a dress. I haven't seen you in a dress before I don't think." 
"Right okay, thanks for only telling my now." He chuckled as I looked through my wardrobe. "Where is this restaurant anyway?" I pulled out a strapless black dress that went to my knees and was pretty tight. 
"Don't worry your pretty little head. It's no where near here," I kind of felt bad he had to drive all the way out of town to take me out. 
"You do realise I can't get ready in an hour." He chuckled as I went to pick out some shoes. 
"You can and you have to seeing as you only have fifty minutes." I looked at my clock and saw I had to be ready for six. 
"But I have to get changed, do my hair and make up. There's no way I can be ready on time."
"Don't wear any make up. You don't need it." Awk, he's so cute. But there was no way I wasn't going to wear make up. "Well I have to go get ready. I'll call you when I'm outside."
"Okay, see you then." I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. I walked over to my dresser and quickly dried my hair. I debated whether to leave my hair wavy or to straighten it. I decided to save time and just leave it wavy. I quickly got changed before pulling on some sweatpants and a hoody. I didn't really want my mum or dad asking why I'm wearing a dress, when I'm only going to Lee's. I quickly applied some light make up, hopefully making him see I compromised. I grabbed my bag and started putting my stuff in it. I put in my pyjamas, hairbrush, toothbrush and some make up. I decided just to pack a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt for tomorrow. After putting in my shoes for tonight, I walked downstairs. I set my bag by the door and saw I had ten minutes until he was meant to be here. I walked into the living room and sat down beside my dad. 
"When are you going to Lee's?" He asked while watching the TV. 
"I'm going to head over in a bit." He nodded as my mum walked in. The good thing about my parents owning their own company is that they get every holiday off and they can work from home sometimes. 
"When does Sean get back?" My mum asked as she sat opposite me and my dad. 
"Day before we go back to school," she nodded before picking up a magazine. I glanced down at my phone as it started ringing. I picked it up while answering the call. "Hello?" I answered while standing up. 
"Are you ready? I'm outside," I picked up my bag and my cardigan. 
"Yeah I'm coming out now." I hung up and opened the front door. "I'm away here," I called out to my parents. 
"See you tomorrow. Call me tomorrow when you're on your way home."
"See you later," I shut the door behind me and walked down to Williams' car. I slipped into his car, before putting on my seatbelt.

“So do your parents think you’re at Lee’s?” He asked pulling out of my driveway.

“Yeah, but they shouldn’t really call him or anything.”

About ten minutes after we left my house I slipped off my hoody, before slipping off my sweatpants. “I was wondering why you were wearing that.” I glanced over at him and laughed. I slipped off my shoes and put on my black ones, which had a small heel to them. “So what did you get up to yesterday then?” He asked as I put my stuff in my bag.

“Not a lot really. Just lazed around all day and watched some TV. Then we had some dinner, before staying up until midnight.” I looked at him and he nodded.

“What about you? You should’ve come around when I went to bed.” He glanced at me and smiled.

“I didn’t do very much. I could’ve come around, but I get you tonight anyway.”

“I don’t think I’ll sleep at your’s tonight. I kind of want to sleep in my own bed. I’ve got school in three days.” He chuckled and glanced at me.

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