Dating My Teachers Brother. Part 25

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The final bell of the week rang, making everyone quickly pack up their things. I shoved my folders and books into my bag before grabbing my blazer. I followed everyone out of the classroom and headed towards the Maths building. Today we were going to head over to the first college I wanted to see. The only thing was, the open day wasn't actually until tomorrow morning. But if I want to go to it, I have to spend the night. Then there's another one tomorrow night which I'll be back for and another one the next day on Sunday. I'm kind of upset my parents couldn't come with me. But I know Paul is excited about going with me. I don't know if it's because he gets to spend the weekend with me, or because he actually wants to see colleges with me. I didn't really mind, because I do miss him. I just have to get through tutoring before I have the weekend with him.

When I reached his door, I saw it was already open. I looked into his classroom and saw him sitting at his desk marking work. He had his forehead in his hand, his glass sitting on the bridge of his nose and his hair was messy. He looked so cute when he was focusing on something. "Stop staring at me," he said while writing on the piece of paper. How the heck? I walked into his room and sat down on the edge of his desk. "Next time when you want to stare at me, don't stand in the middle of the door." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up," he chuckled and looked up at me. "Do we have to do work today? I really can't be bothered." He stood up and nodded at me. He sat down at one of the tables and took a pen from his pocket. I groaned and sat down beside him.

"Exams are in a few months Rachel." I took out my books and set them on the desk.

"Yeah a few months; once won't make any difference." He looked at me and smirked.

"Let's do the Maths here then," he said turning to face me. "Exams are in three months. You get off for study leave in May a week before two weeks before that. Plus all the staff days and the two weeks off at Easter. I say you have two months all together. So we need all the time we can get okay?" He smiled before opening the exam paper I did for today.

"It still doesn't give me a good enough reason to want to do it." He chuckled while marking my paper.

"Isn't spending time with me enough of a reason?" He joked, nudging my knee with his.

"Not when I hate you," he chuckled and looked at me through his glasses.

"It's a good thing that I know you're joking or that would seriously hurt." He said with a smirk.

"Hurt your feelings or your ego?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed.

He turned back to the paper and continued marking it, "whatever one you want to believe." I laughed and moved closer to the desk, looking at what he was doing.


"Since this is a non-calculator paper, you're going to have to leave your answer in surd form." Paul said going over the last question. You actually have no idea how much my head hurts right now.

"I have no idea what that means?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you know if I made you do a normal equation and told you to solve it with the quadratic equation, you would just put it into your calculator and get a number as your answer?" He asked looking at me. I nodded and he pointed to the last question. "Well for this one, you just leave it like this." He started writing something down, when there was a knock on the door. We both looked up and saw Sean walking into the room. When he looked at me, I looked back down at the paper. It's just a little bit awkward. I think I need to stop being sarcastically. "Sean you're not meant to be here until Monday." Paul said to his brother.

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