Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 39

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hey guys :) So there's this chapter then one more and that's it finished :) Been a while since I stopped it and school and all that jazz but it's done. So that'll be up soon :)
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"Do you want to take this?" I asked holding up his Play Station. He turned around and bit his bottom lip.

"I sort of do but I don't know if there will be room in the car. There's your clothes, some of your stuff, my clothes and some of my stuff. I'm already taking up some of the back seat." I looked at him, seeing he was thinking it through. 

We're moving to Durham tomorrow and we were packing the rest of our stuff. I was nearly done, but Paul still need to sort out some of his stuff. Thankfully I got accepted into the college at Durham. I was actually really happy about my results. But Paul was even happier about my Maths result.

And summer has been amazing. Loads of people have had parties; I went away with my family and went to Italy with Paul. I think that was the best part of summer to be honest. I honestly think I’m in love with Italy. It’s an absolutely beautiful country. And going with Paul only made it better. I really wouldn’t mind going back.

Paul and I haven’t heard from Sean, which can really only mean a good thing. When we went out with Maria yesterday for dinner, to say bye to her, she told us that he’s coming back to go to school. And that he was staying in an apartment on his own. But Paul and I don’t really talk about him anymore. An odd word might be said about him, but never a full conversation.

Paul did get into and argument with his mother over the phone. A few days after Sean went home, she phoned Paul and started having a go at him. Something about how he’s a disgrace for not only dating his student but his brother’s girlfriend. And since Paul didn’t get along with his parents, he said some things I never imagined someone saying to their parents. I don’t think I’ve seen him get so angry with someone. I knew he didn’t get along with his parents, but I never expected it to be that bad.

“Pack it up and if there’s room I’ll take it.” Paul said breaking my thoughts. I looked up at him and nodded. “Maybe you shouldn’t bring so many clothes and it would fit in the car.” I gave him a flat look, making him smile at me.

“That’s the worst thing you’ve ever said.” He laughed and sat down on his bed.

“So are you looking forward to getting there?” He asked as I finished putting his Play Station into a box.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see the house as well. I’ve never moved house before so it’ll be weird living in a different house.”

“You’ll get used to it eventually. Don’t forget it’s a new place for me too.” I nodded walking over to him.

“I know, but you’ve moved away from home before.” I said sitting down on his lap, “I haven’t.” He nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“But you’ve got me so hopefully it won’t be too bad.” He said with a chuckle. “And if at anytime you want to go home for the weekend, we can go home. I don’t mind driving,” I smiled as he rested his forehead on my shoulder.

“You would really drive all the way back home for the weekend?” He nodded against my shoulder. “You’re crazy,” he laughed and pulled away from me, making me turn to face him.

“People do crazy things when they’re in love.” I smiled resting my forehead against his.

“True my Maths nerd,” he chuckled before pressing his lips to mine.

“Is it okay to come in or am I going to see something I shouldn’t see?” Anthony said knocking the door. Paul pulled away and sighed, making me laugh. Anthony moved in a few days ago. And Paul was going crazy since he’s been here.

“Go away Anthony,” Paul shouted at him. But Anthony just walked on in like he normally does.

“Thank goodness you guys are decent. I wouldn’t mind walking in on Rachel, but you Paul, that’s just a no no.” He said to us with a smirk, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“I swear Anthony I can still kick you out; I haven’t left yet.” Paul threatened his best friend. I laughed standing up from his lap. “What do you want?” He was clearly annoyed that I stood up.

“I was going to order in some food and I was wondering if you wanted any. Do you see this Rach?” He said looking at me. “I try to do something nice and all I get in return is abuse. It’s like we’re not even frien-” he was cut out as he was hit in the head by a pillow. I looked over at Paul who was smirking. I laughed and shook my head at them. I swear, sometime they’re worse than me and Lee.

“No it’s alright Anthony,” I said to him. “We’re going out with my parents for dinner. But thanks for asking,” I smiled at him before grabbing my coat.

“Why can’t you be as nice as Rachel, Paul? You’re complete opposites, but she’s more like me.” He said suggestively with a smirk.

“Anthony piss off, I really don’t want to do something I’ll regret.” Anthony laughed and nodded.

“If I don’t see you before you leave Rach I’ll see you when you get back.” He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

“I’ll see you soon Anthony,” I wrapped my arms around him.

“Seriously guys?” I laughed and pulled away.

“Calm down, I’m only saying good bye.” He rolled his eyes and stood up. “See you later Anthony,” he smiled before leaving the room. “You’re awful to him, you know he’s joking.” I said turning to Paul.

“But he’s really annoying though Babe. He never shuts up, he’s always got something to say and he's constantly trying to wind me.” He complained lifting his jacket.

“Well you don’t have to see him for a few months. You'll miss him soon enough." He laughed, walking over to me. 

“I don’t think that will be happening.” He said putting his hands on my waist. “Shall we go get some food now? All this packing has made me hungry.” I smiled and nodded. “Awesome,” he said lacing his fingers with mine.

“I actually can’t fully believe that we’re leaving tomorrow. It’s just sort of unreal,” I told him as we left his room.

“I know, but I’m looking forward to it. And you’ll love the house and the area it’s in.” I smiled looking up at him.

“Yeah I really want to see the place.” He chuckled, running his thumb across the back of my hand.

“I promise you’ll love it. But right now I want some food.” I laughed as we walked down the stairs. I’m getting really excited now.


“So are you looking forward to getting there Rachel?” My mum asked me as we waited on our deserts. I still can’t believe they took us out to dinner because we were leaving tomorrow.

“Yeah, I can’t wait. A bit nervous but just want to get there and get settled.” She smiled and nodded.

“What time are you leaving at tomorrow morning?” She asked as the deserts came. I looked over at Paul, because I didn’t actually know when we were leaving.

“I’ll come and pick her up at about eleven and then we’ll leave then. It’ll take us a few hours to get over there.” He placed his hand on my thigh underneath the table.

"So then what time do you think you'll be there for?" I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes. My mum has always been the person to ask question after question. Hopefully it’ll end soon.

“I don’t really know to be honest.” Paul answered her question again, as I ate his desert. This always happens when we go out. I don’t order I desert because I never really eat one, but I was end up sharing Paul’s with him. “We’ll probably stop along the way. But no later than eight o’clock.” My mum nodded satisfied with his answer.

“You know since you’re not going to use it when you come back for holidays?” Xavier said grabbing my attention. Thankfully he was a bit more relaxed about Paul and I. It seems that summer was long enough for him to get used to it.

“Yeah,” I said putting some ice cream in my mouth.

“Can I use it for like a holiday with my friends?” I laughed shaking my head.

“There’s absolutely no chance.”

“Why not?” He complained to me.

“You’ll probably burn it down or something. I wouldn’t trust you and your friends in my house when I’m not there.” Actually, I probably wouldn’t trust them even if I was there.

“Well it’s not your house. So Paul can I?” I rolled my eyes as he sucked up to Paul.

“Sorry Xavier,” he said with a laugh. “It’s as much her house as it is mine. If she doesn’t want you to, then you can’t.” Xavier sighed and sat back in his chair.

“You’re completely whipped my friend.” He mumbled making us laugh.

“What do you mean?” I looked up at my mum and then over to Xavier. He smirked before we laughed harder.

“It’s too hard to explain,” I lied trying to control my laughter. “Search it sometime if you want to know.” I looked over to Paul who was smiling and shaking his head. “He is right though,” I whispered to him. “You are whipped,” he smiled and shrugged.

“I don’t really care to be honest. It’s not the worst place to be.” I smiled as he stroked my thigh.

“Right I’ll go pay the bill and we can go then.” My dad said standing up.

“Here let me pay,” Paul said stopping my dad.

“No it’s alright,” my dad smiled before walking over to the podium.

“Would you like to come over for some coffee Paul?” My mum asked as we all stood up.

“Thanks but I think I’ll pass. I still have some stuff to sort out.” My mum nodded as we put on our coats, waiting for my dad.

“I’ll meet you guys outside,” I said backing away with Paul. She nodded before I turned around. “I swear the only thing she knows how to say is a question.” He laughed as we left the restaurant.

“I don’t mind, I knew what I was getting myself into when I asked you to be my girlfriend.” I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “So are you going back home or do you want to come back to mine?” I let out a breath as we stopped by his car.

“I would but Lee is sleeping over tonight. And I probably won’t see him until October.” I turned around and leant against his car.

“Then I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning then?” I smiled and nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I really can’t wait until we get there. It’s like we’re starting a new life.” I smiled, playing with the bottom of his hair.

“You’re so cheesy,” he laughed before resting his forehead against mine. “I should go so Lee’s not waiting. I’ll see you tomorrow morning anyway.” He nodded, his nose brushing mine.

“See you tomorrow. And get some sleep so you’re not tired tomorrow.” He pressed his lips to mine and gave me a sweet kiss. I pulled away and walked away from him.

“Don’t worry I will,” I smiled backing away from him. He laughed and watched me, but I turned around so I could get home. The faster I get home and get to sleep, the quicker tomorrow comes around.


“Can I have this?” Lee asking pointing towards my music player.

“No,” I said with a sigh.

“This?” He asked pointing to my iPod speakers.

“Lee you’re not getting anything.” I said laughing at him. “I’m going to want it all when I come back.” He smiled walking back over to me.

“So you are going to come back? You’re not going to stay there for the rest of you life?” I let out a breath as he sat down beside me.

“I’ve not really thought that far ahead. I’m just going for college right now.” He smiled and nodded.

“You know I’m going to miss you Ray. You should’ve stayed in school with me.” I smiled and looked over at him.

“I’ve wanted to leave since third year. You knew I wasn’t going to go back.”

“Yeah but you didn’t have to go so far away. I’m going to be stuck in that school on my own.” I laughed and turned my body to face him, crossing my legs.

“It won’t be that bad, I’m not your only friend. And you never know, I might be going to your Uni in a few years.” I said with a smile.

“But you need A-Levels to go to Uni; you’re not doing that.”

“Yeah but I can do like four or five years in college on my degree and then go to Uni to make it a full Uni degree.” He nodded playing with the ends on my blanket.

“It’ll just be weird not having you there. We’ve been friends for years and now all of a sudden you’re not going to be there. It’s going to take some getting used to.” I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at what he said.

“I’ll be back for holidays before you even know it. Halloween’s not that far away anyway. And I’ll be home for two weeks then. It honestly won’t be that long. Do you think I want to leave my best friend? I’m going to a completely new school where I don’t know anybody. I think I’ve got it worse off.” He chuckled shaking his head at me.

“And I’m in the school with Sean,” he started again. “How am I going to wind him up without you there?” I laughed lying down and getting under the covers.

“I’m sure you’ll find a way. You’re pretty annoying on your own so I won’t be surprised is I hear you two have gotten into another fight.” He shrugged and climbed off of my bed.

“What can I say? I have that effect on people.” He said sitting down on the floor where he was sleeping. I moved over to the edge of the bed so I could see him. “You know I have to be home before ten tomorrow?” He sounded as if he was reminding me.

“Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about your rugby match.” I said laughing. Before he could speak I cut him off again, “and yes I’m sorry I’m not going to be there. And it would’ve meant the world to you if I was going later. But tough luck, you’re going to have to deal with it.” I said before he could try and guilt trip me again. I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back.

“You know me too well Ray,” he sounded just as tired as I was.

“And if you know me as well as I know you, you’ll know I want to go to sleep. So shut you face,” he chuckled but didn’t say anything more.

I’m really going to miss everything. My home, my family, Lee and sort of the school. But it was too late to change my mind. And to be honest, I don’t really want to. I was happy that I was moving with Paul. Ever since he found out he got the job, he was really busy trying to secure the house for us. He gave up a lot for me. His job, his home and Maria and her family. But like he said, we were starting a new life. And I really can’t wait.


“Call us as soon as you get there.” My mum said hugging me to death. “I want to know that you got there okay.” I laughed and nodded.

“I don’t think it’ll be the minute I get there. If it’s late I’ll call you tomorrow.” I said pulling away. She nodded but didn’t look a hundred percent happy with it.

“See you later sis,” Xavier said saving me from mum. “I’ll see you when you get back.” I nodded giving him a quick hug.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” He laughed as I pulled away. “Don’t go into my room okay.” I said opening the car door.

“I can’t promise anything,” he smirked making me roll my eyes.

“See you later,” I said before getting into Paul’s car.

“So you ready to go then?” I looked over at Paul and smiled. I nodded lacing my fingers with his.

“Absolutely,” he smiled starting up his engine. “Let’s stop for lunch soon thought I haven’t eaten.” He laughed pulling away from my house.

“Don’t worry I will.” I smiled before looking out the window.

It’s just eight hours until I start my life in a new place with Paul. The man I love to pieces.

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