Chapter One

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Lithium's Pov
At the growing time, I was only nineteen, in the hidden leaf village that was the prime age of everything- No wait scratch that it's sixteen when they send fifteen-sixteen years old all on their own in death missions? Wait no no also wrong it's twelve when they have little kids running away almost dying.

It never really hit me till I turned nineteen just kinda how messed up the ninja world is. Maybe every ninja had their own ninja way, but shinobis were so young starting in a path that usually ended with you dying it was a very known fact. But the first time in my entire life I was very mad at the third hokage.

I never really liked him, he always gave me strange vibes and he very much proved my point after the nine tailed attacked when we lost one of the best hokages in my view. Minato, he was still very young when he and his wife sacrificed themselves along with many other shinobis who dead.

"Listen Lord Third, I don't really mean to come off as rude, or maybe I do but you aren't gonna get me out of this office, he's just a baby... Not an it, you can't keep a baby in a orphanage and then expect to throw it out on their own all because of them having a beast inside them, that's not how it works." I declared out, he sighed roughly blowing smoke from his pipe, his own eyes staring into my cloudy ones.

"Lithium listen... You are still a kid you don't understand," yet again I interrupted him.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm nineteen, I know what I am doing is right... I wanna adopt Naruto Uzumaki he doesn't have any parents and no one is gonna wanna adopt him because they think he is a monster," He stared at me even more and looked highly like he was gonna debate, I've been in the Hokage office everyday for the pass few days, knowing deep down its what I wanted.

"Lithium are you understanding the consequences?"

"Alright here you are Lithium sorry for the wait, he's one of the few babies who cries a lot." I finished signing off my name leaning off the nurses counter, moving my hair away I watched with a small smile as another nurse walked over near me carrying a small buddle in a blue blanket, all I could see was tuffles of blonde hair.

She placed him into my arms and I instantly supported his head and body gazing down at the small baby he seemed to be sleeping but I watched the eyes flutter open before I was staring into soft blue eyes, hearing the soft cooing and small noises.

It was like I was in awe at this small little human, a smile made its way across my face rocking him holding him close to me.

"Hi little Naruto, it's nice to meet you." I giggled quietly watching him blinking and all. "Huh? How odd he's usually been crying, but he isn't with you." I cracked another soft grin.

"Maybe that's a good sign then." I whispered.

"Good ridden, how could anyone want that monster. " I spared that one nurse who was glaring in disgust while I spoke.

"He isn't a that, his name is Naruto and he isn't a monster," I warned out shaking my head.

"I gotta tell you little one, I don't have any breast milk or anything, hell half no parenting experience but I promise you, I'll be the best parent I can to you yeah." I whispered laying in the bed at my apartment, it would take some time for him to be adjusted to a new surroundings and being bottled fed.

He seemed to be happily sucking on the bottle that I was feeding him his head resting on my chest. I prepared days for this and it finally happened. It was a little overwhelming but it was like a life long mission, something I know I could do.

Once the bottle was empty, I set it aside on the night stand before raising Naruto gently over my shoulder patting at his back rubbing and patting burping him carefully satisfied when I heard a small but vocal burp, making me smile.

"Good little one." I whispered holding him in place there listening to his tiny heartbeat, it felt like a soft melody and the fact that I was some of the few who wasn't scared of the little mark on his stomach. It was sad to think about.

I started humming quietly still rubbing at his back a few times bouncing him gently, in content I was a little startled feeling the soft hands in place around my cheeks it made me smile just faintly.

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