Chapter Two

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Lithium's Pov
For the first few days of took Naruto some time to be adjusted to his new surroundings and it was quite rough, lots of sleepless nights and pacing around while calming him down. Good thing patience was one of the best things I had, he was just a baby and I know that deep inside his little heart he knew that his mom and dad were gone, a child just knows these things.  Even when they were really really young.

Once the first two weeks went by, I had got the mothering down to a t, with a full month gone by and could tell which cries meant which kind care knew what kind of milk he liked, and onesies. Of course I would get odd stares when I would take Naruto out for his daily walks through out the village.

Then I had to balance out doing quick missions for when someone had to watch Naruto then again, I didn't trust anyone alone with him, without the fear of someone trying to harm him.

Sometimes it was because well I did look different from him, others knew of the terror  but they didn't know little Naruto like I did. As usual it was time for his normal walk, the large sun beating down on everything and anything, his large eyes looking around at everything with interest sucking the hell out of his favorite pacifier gripping onto my shirt.

I shifted my eyes down to watch him with a soft smile supporting his head and back. "You like taking the long way don't you? I think it's cause of the different street foods." I muttered patting at his back a few times. It was like he bobbing his head in agreement soft squeals escaping him muffled by his pacifier.

"Why do I have a feeling all you are gonna wanna eat is unhealthy stuff." I grumbled with some soft laughter, I wonder what he was gonna be like when he was older, maybe he would be like Hokage Minato, or maybe just follow his own little path of where life took him.

"Lithium!" I turned around at the sudden exclaimed of my name, my first instinct was to shield Naruto in case it was just someone trying to yell and scream insults at me again, a small washing relief washed over me.

"Well hello there Mikoto." I greeted the darker haired woman who flashed me a soft grin. in her grip was a buddle who very much seemed to be glaring at everyone.

"Now this must be the new Uchiha addition to your family correct?" I asked her sweetly, she nodded her head at me with a soft giggle.

"Yes this is Sasuke Uchiha... In fact he was born the same day little Naruto was... Is this... Lord Third let you take him?" She looked genuinely shocked staring at me. I nodded my head a few times.

"Yeah took a lot of begging but yes I'll be raising Naruto, this is Naruto Uzumaki." I introduced him, she stepped a little closer to get a good look at him.

"I... Well isn't he a cute one. I know you'll do your very best to give him a good life, you are very young though, don't hesitate to come to the compound for help. I tried to adopt him the day they brought him into the hospital but he wouldn't let me." I exhaled a little lifting Naruto up more closely.

"I'm not surprised, no one really sees him as a child. I do though." I rolled my eyes slightly, me and Mikoto were now standing next to one another talking quietly with one another.

"Naruto this is Sasuke, wow why am I talking to you like you can talk back." I laughed embarrassed like both of us holding the two babies up to stare at one another. Sasuke for just being a baby had such a resting face I had ever seen. Like he hates everyone. Naruto just was staring at him.

I let a very surprised startled yelp watching Naruto yank out the pacifier and throw it right at Sasuke's head of bounced off with such a rough bounce, I quickly caught the little blue pacifier before it landed on the ground, he let the loudest giggle out kicking his feet happily.

"Mikoto I'm so sorry." I apologized quickly trying to hold my laughter bowing my head at her a few times fast. But she just let the loudest laugh out holding Sasuke to her chest to shush his small cries that sounded out.

"No, no  it's not your fault Lithium I'm sure with time these two will be the best of friends isn't that right Sasuke." She giggled kissing all over his face once his tears had stopped, Naruto was still kicking his feet happily, that when I lifted him up to scold him playfully.

"Now that's not how you make friends Naru." I whispered but he started giving me sloppy gummy kisses like he was trying to eat my face. That I just smiled hugging him close to me soft laughter leaving me, seeing Sasuke was staring at me with very round eyes, his tears tried up.

I made a small silly face at him and that very once blank stare replaced with some little giggles and a gummy smile had my heart very warm. Babies they were such a big soft spot for me.

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