Chapter Five

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Lithium's Pov
A heavy sigh tore through my lips, I had time. Naruto was at his classes. I was nursing a very light injury, but it was now or never. I nodded my head a few times at a few of of jonin as I entered the hokage office, knocking at the large door hearing his gruff voice calling out.

With one click I had twisted the door opened and walked in, staring at the old man, who looked up through his cloud of smoke, a stare of surprise before he was cracking a grin, leaning back in his seat.

"Lithium dear.. It's been some time, I hear you've been nursing a leg injury cause of your last mission." I cleared my throat nodding my head firmly as I kept my arms pressed roughly behind my back.

"Yeah I got a little careless but that wasn't what I wanted to discuss actually sir." He puffed out another large gulp of air large waves of smoke following.

"Eight years, eight long years I've seen you grown from the young woman who marched in here adopting a baby so dangerous, yet she proved everyone wrong. Exactly on this day eight years ago you walked in here with a demand and I think I have an idea." I exhaled a small chuckle.

"Eight years of enough time that Naruto has grown into a beautiful eight year old child. But parenting doesn't end. If you have an idea then." I shut my eyes nodding a few times shifting on my bandage leg as I spoke.

"The massacre of the Uchiha clan has been a week. Let me adopt Sasuke Uchiha I've known him since he was young." I saw the older male's eyes grown wide.

"Lithium...listen child that's a difficult situation.. He just lost his entire family and clan... It's still fresh." I once again firmly shook my head.

"This wasn't up for debate... Sasuke Uchiha please." He sighed heavily shutting his eyes.  "Why are you so stubborn are you just gonna adopt every orphaned child."

"I would, just so no child has to go through something alone. He is only eight."

I was a little nervous Sasuke had always been a little difficult even with that being said of me babysitting him when he was young. I know his older brother going rogue and having it all one day before it all slipped down the drain would kill anyone inside. I flicked my eyes for a moment, my hand messing with large hair, watching as the doors of the orphanage had opened seeing the boy walking out looking back at the women with a look of annoyance.

All they did was nod towards me I exhaled watching his eyes round in surprise, I carefully lowered myself down to his level as he walked towards me.

"Uhm... Hello there Sasuke I don't know if you remember me?" I chewed at my lower lip nervous like hearing his voice sniffle for a moment before he was whispering, looking away for a moment.

"You are Lithium... You are Naruto's mom you use to babysit me...." He seemed to let his voice trail off a lot. I forced a smile nodding a small weight lifted off my shoulder.

"That's me yeah... I know right now you must be grieving a lot and just.. Confused and alone... But you are gonna come home with me and Naruto okay? And I'm gonna take care of you the best I can while you are going through this. I adopted you." His eyes held so much confusion I even watched his little fist lift up to rub at his eyes harshly.

"Why would you adopt me...! I'm just the Uchiha who survived I don't need pity." My eyes here soft with sadness gently urging him close to me whispering.

"Come here sweetie." His eyes grew teary eyed with large tears pooling from his eyes before he wrapped his arms around my neck, I exhaled lifting him up with ease holding the back of his head his little sobs were very very heartbreaking hearing him weep on my neck clinging onto me harshly.

"They are gone... " I squeezed at him tightly nodding towards the women of the orphanage before I started walking back to the upgraded house me and Naruto now had.

"I know sweetie... It's okay to cry I got you." I muttered, resting my chin on top of his own, I got a few shared looks of pity from people out and about in the different shops, I wasn't sure how long he had been crying but I knew he was sound asleep still cuddling to me.

I think for the first night he would sleep in my bed, before I would introduce him to his new room. Shoving the key into the lock pushing the doors open, I lifted Sasuke's limp exhausted body up more, in shock seeing Naruto was home cracking a sad smile his way when he came rushing to the doorway.

"Mom! You know that you hurt your leg! Why are you walking all around, the doctor said to stay in bed. I- is that Sasuke." His voice dropped from the loud exclaims to a shocked whisper his eyes wide.

"Hey Naru, you are back super super early. Remember what I talked about a few days ago." He looked clearly confused before he nodded.

"Yeah... I think you said Sasuke was gonna be living with us.. You adopted him! I thought you were joking! Does this make him my brother." I shushed the loud blonde gently feeling Sasuke stirring slightly in place hiding his head more on my neck.

"More or less- he's been through a lot sweetie so.. Let's ease him into our life style yeah? And just support him." Naruto made the angry face but huffed nodding, moving towards me. He clung slightly on my leg something he had been doing since I had gotten hurt we had made it to my bedroom.

I had carefully laid Sasuke down tucking the blanket over his body gently stroking at his tear stained cheeks watching his breathing, both me and Naruto kneel down by the bed. Naruto stared at Sasuke with such a small look of blankness before looking at me.

"Mama what happened to him?" I stated back at Naruto smiling sadly as I exhale gently.

"He lost all of his family.. His brother, mom and dad and his whole clan. Remember Naruto when I told you about your mom and dad." His little lips formed a small o before he nodded sadness taking over his features.

"Yeah...  I remember mama..." He sighed roughly before his hand stroked at Sasuke's black hair for a moment, the sadness still showing in his eyes.

"It will be okay Sasuke... Mama will take really good care of you like she does with me. I promise."

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