Chapter Seven

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Lithium's Pov
"So I get to see my brother and sister every month Miss Lithium?" I lifted up the sleepy eight years old further onto my back with a grunt with a soft chuckle, continuing down my usual path through the leaf, he sure was a sleepy little thing, very curious but Gaara was, I had a feeling keeping him for the few years that I was allowed to by his father.

It was gonna be a handful with three boys. Gaara kept his arms secured over my neck, being mindful not to choke me as he did so.

"Correct, your father agreed that I may raise you till you are eleven then you are to go back to the Sand with your sister and brother so you can prepared just in case you have to be the Kazekage." Gaara hummed a couple times, resting his chin on my shoulders.

"That's three years.. That's a long time and you said I'll get to have two other brothers to live with? What are their names?" I found myself smiling a tiny giggle leaving me peering my head to gaze into Gaara's wide soft eyes.

"Sasuke and Naruto you are older so you'll be the big brother and I know you'll be the best big brother Gaara." A soft red blush coated his face shyly nuzzling into my shoulder some more. It made me a little more happy about my decision seeing how relaxed he had been for the past few days with me. I wouldn't wanna just take a little boy from his home if he really didn't want to.

"May I call you mama?" Once again like the many times it had these past days or warmed with warmth, pausing for a moment as the large gates of the village came into my view, smiling faintly lifting up Gaara even more.

"You can call me whatever you like sweetie." A soft like giggle left him feeling him nuzzling all over my neck quickly.

"Imma call you Ma.." I grinned again, shifting both him and the bags before I giggled at the sight of the two entrance guards greeting them.

"Hello I'm back from my mission." I exclaimed they both shared one look with one another before they laughed gently watching me closely.

"Lithium! Is that another kid?! You can't keep adopting kids."

"I can do whatever I want! Meet my new son Gaara."

"Sasuke and Naruto meet your new older brother Gaara.  He will be staying with us for three years he is from the sand village." A soft beam of a giggle left me, gently crouching down only for a moment so I could stop Gaara from hiding behind me. The face Naruto had made was one more that was of disbelief before excitement took over him.

"I have another brother Mama!" I lifted Gaara up gently to place him in front of me with a smile, nodding my head watching as Naruto shook at Sasuke quick like while exclaiming with more happiness, bouncing towards Gaara with blue eyes of amazement.

"Hi Gaara, I'm Naruto can I hug you!" Gaara jumped a little in shock, turning back towards me, I gave him a gentle head nod back in return, it was his home now. Naruto beamed wrapping his arms around The little red head boy hugging him happily. Gaara at first looked baffled wrapping his own arms around Naruto with a smile. I giggled scooping up Sasuke who was grumbling making grabby hands at me.

"Gaara is gonna be a special ninja like you Naruto he has a beast inside him, he controls sand." That was enough to get the wild blonde shouting in happiness yanking his shirt up suddenly to show off his mark pointing at it.

"I have a beast inside me too! I have the nine tailed fox!" Gaara stared wider eyed. Sasuke shot his hands up to his ears with a groan shooting Naruto a glare that was new menacing.

"Use your inside voice Naruto stop shouting." He exclaimed with a look of annoyance. I patted him at his bottom  giving him a gentle look, he just hushed up laying his head on my chest sucking on his thumb quietly.

"I don't have an inside voice Sasuke! Come  on Gaara imma show you the room." I rolled my eyes playfully, with a chuckle watching him take his small hand in his, gently dragging him off. I was happy with the little interactions turning my attention to Sasuke who looked sleepy keeping his head in place on my chest.

"Sasuke why are you so mean to your brother huh? Can't you be happy he is happy." He just let a loud grunt out narrowing his eyes, staying curled up into me sucking on his thumb more firmly till I managed to pull his finger away that was so bad for his mouth and teeth alone.

"Naruto is an idiot.." I held back a soft snort of my own gently rocking him in my arms walking through the entrance of the house. It felt more than good to be back home. With the scents I recognized, the atmosphere had me relaxed and in peace in a matter of seconds.

"You know-I think you boys are getting too big for me to carry Sasuke? Look at how big you are in school with all the other kids."

"Don't stop holding me Mama! I'm not that big."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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