Chapter Six

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Lithium's Pov
"Mama! Why do you gotta go, I don't wanna be here by myself!"

"I wanna come with too hmph!" A loose little sigh left from my lips, hiding the little smile that twitched across my lips dropping down to my knees with ease, making sure the large bag I had packed was all ready to go. How both their personalities were different yet clashed together all at the same time.

I held my breath seeing the pouting face of Naruto while Sasuke was getting that little clingy expression he always got. I carefully held my open arms out towards both the seven years old, who quickly ran into my arms hugging me as much as their little bodies would let them.

"My precious boys, now you know I would bring you with me if I could. But it's really dangerous, I'm doing a quick mission in the sand village cause we are short on ninjas at the moment. I'll be back in less than a week do you know how long that is?" I asked the two curious like, Sasuke nuzzled his nose a couple times over my neck muttering out his answer.

"Seven days." I smiled nodding my head proudly, damn they were really smart.

"Yes seven days. Which means I'll be back next week on Monday alright? And I'll make you Naruto the best ramen and rice balls ever and Sasuke I'll be back to tuck you in before you know it okay? My good friend Iruka is gonna watch you both for me, you promised to be good." Naruto was the first to pull away from the hug wiping at his crocodile tears.

"I promise.." Sasuke looked to the side trying to hide his glaring face wiping his cheeks.

"Do you promise to be back mama..?" My heart aches at the pain in his voice smiling at them both I held out my pinkies for them.

"Mama will always be back for her boys." They each looped those pinkies with mine, it warmed my heart how oddly close they had gotten in some short months tops since adopting Sasuke. He was well adjusted he still has nightmares from time to time and would wake up crying me and Naruto would give him some cuddles.

Of course the cute moment was cut short, when Naruto smacked Sasuke lightly on his face resulting in Sasuke hitting his face back quickly.

The sand village really hasn't changed that much, I hadn't step door in the sandy plains not since I was still a young the genin. I remember being out during the sand storms was a big no, and I was already home sick even with being gone for three whole days.

I was missing Sasuke and Naruto, my mission was simple just to go help find some missing ninjas out in one of the many sand storms. While resting I was walking through one of the many children parks, lifting an eyebrow at all the kids running around and squealing. There was a sight that was all too familiar to me when Naruto was little.

A little red haired boy sitting in one of the sand boxes by him, adorable was an understatement yet not a single soul was joining him. Being careful not to startle him I sat down in the sand box with him, speaking gently causing him to look up quickly with wide eyes.

"You are really good with the sand aren't you?" He blinked a couple times almost confused I was talking to him, flashing him a reassuring smile I saw him look back down nodding his head quickly he moved his hand out making bits of the sand shoot up towards his hands.

"I can control sand.." He muttered in a quiet tone, carefully tucking my legs under me, I asked him if he could show me it closer.

"You sure can control sand little one that's really impressive, you look young too." His cheeks turned a soft red while he looked away muttering out with round eyes.

"I'm eight.. Kids don't really like playing with me it's cause I'm a monster I have a monster in me, it killed my mom." My own eyes grew extremely large fast holding my breath.

"I uhm.. You have like a beast in you yeah?" Once again he nodded his head quickly.

"I have a brother and a sister too and dad I still feel lonely sometimes my heart does this thing were it feels like it bleeds." The frown that was on my face was prominent before I moved closer.

"What's your name sweetie?" I asked gently seeing his eyes look up at me gently pressing his palm into my hand.

"Gaara." I smiled down at him some more gently holding his hand in my own grip.

"Gaara? Well I'm Lithium, and the feeling were your heart bleeds. I call it being lonely and needing a hug/being held would you like to be held sweetie?" He looked conflicted for a moment before he was muttering glancing back down at the sand.

"Only mommies do that." I once again shook my head at him gently.

"Anyone can get a hug. Like I give my boys back home hugs all the time. Would it be okay if I held you?" It was almost like he was mindlessly lifting up his arms towards me, lifting him up quickly in my arms. He pressed his head towards my chest wrapping his little arms around me fully around me lifting myself up off the sand box I squeezed him in an affectionate like hug holding the back of his red hair.

"My heart.. It doesn't hurt."

At this rate... I'm gonna end up adopting another kid... I just know it.

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