Chapter Four

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Lithium's Pov
"Mom! I have a very very important question." My attention for just a small moment was brought away from the bubbling pot, slightly turning the stove down, spinning around with a grunt to focus on the blonde tuff of hair watching him walk into the kitchen rubbing aggressively at his blue eyes. He always took naps after he came home from school.

"Well I see someone woke up from their nap, was school that hard today sweetie?" A large pout formed onto the five year old face before he was making grabby hands, I lifted him up with a grunt watching his head lay on my shoulder gently patting at his bum a few times since it always seemed to calm his little angry burst down from time to time.

"School is stupid! I only wanna go so I can become a ninja! Sasuke is so annoying always a show off! But then there's Sakura she's so pretty." I blinked a few times chuckling softly, kissing the top of his head sweetly gently swaying the both of us as I hummed in content feeling him now fully relaxed.

"I'm sorry the parents still won't let you play with the other kids sweetie... I really thought after all this of me yelling at them- I mean." I cleared my throat laughing casually but nervous like.

"Shikamaru is so fun though! He sleeps a lot and gets yelled at by our teacher" I snorted quietly grabbing a few of the noodles off the stove and blew of them to hold them in front of his mouth which he quickly ate happily making these sounds of content.

"Mhm you make the best ramen and pasta!" I chuckled softly kissing his temple one last time.

"You said you have a question sweetie what's the question." He blinked his baby blues confused before he then made a face and nodded quickly stuffing more of the noodles into his mouth.  "How come mommy isn't married?" a small hiccup left me. I laughed casually carrying him off to set him down at the table gathering up his dinner placing the bowls and plates around him, sliding the cup of milk over to his excited form sitting across from him, I then pressed my fist under my chin with ease.

"Well.. I don't really like people Naruto, I'm a retired ninja of sorts so I could take care of you, I don't really know maybe one day I'll meet someone, marriage just never was in my mind." I said quietly through my soft chuckles.

"Why don't you like people?" My fingers brushed across my chin lightly for a moment wondering how to explain this to my five year old son, whispering to him as he ate his round eyes watching me quite focused.

"It's kinda like how you and Sasuke are sweetie. You've known each other for a while, and still will as you grow up. You guys dislike and act like you hate one another but you respect them. That's sort of the same way I respect the adults but I don't like their choices." He tilted his round head at me and I was hoping he had understood it. He blinked once then twice before nodding.

"So my mama doesn't need anyone! You are so strong I wanna be like that one day!" I shook with sudden laughter shutting my eyes tightly in amusement for a moment almost having to cover my mouth from laughing too much.

"I do try my best sweetie, everyone is strong in varies ways, that's why everyone has their own limits of what they can and can not do, that's why the leaf has so many strong ninjas." I beamed a little wondering if he was still paying attention, he had such a short attention span could be staring and asking questions and then passed out sleep the very next second.

I watched Naruto studying how his eyes lit up, and how his whiskers highlighted him, how one day, it would be mine and others duties to teach him about the ninetailed fox sealed inside of him, all that power if he wanted to with how the village had been treating him, and if I wasn't protecting him, or even had adopted him I know the hokage would allow little kids to be raised in a orphanage before letting them roam with no one to take care of them.

I shook away the very prominent bad thoughts seeing Naruto had are all his food, even drank all his milk and had passed out on the table. I cooed quietly my expression soften getting up, I scooped him up with ease, rubbing at his back hearing his soft snores I would clean up later. I would have to do a quick job around the village for this month's rent. I hated leaving him alone it's a good thing he slept through the night unless he had a nightmare.

His head resting in place on the crook of my neck feeling his arms tighten around my neck, my heart swooning hearing him sleepy whisper to me, his head kept in place.

"I love you mama... Thank you for loving me." I squeezed his body gently keeping my head pressed deeply on top of his own.

"You'll always be my little Naru no matter how old you get yeah? I love you too my little ramen boy."

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