Chapter Three

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Lithium's Pov
Naruto growing up, seemed like it was a small blur behind my eyes, one minute he was a newborn, the next three years were a blur he was then my favorite adorable three year old who was mischievous then anything I had every knew. He was so young yet he knew how to run and toddle off throwing stuff at people.

I think he was taking a little too much after me. As he grew the hate the village had for him seemed to grow which meant whenever I was taking him out they were always giving the most disgusted looks, over the years in my twenties I just grew more bitter towards my own village people and couldn't take it anymore I would just yell at people who deserved it.

And Naruto just seemed to take on that. I could feel little hands slapping slightly all over my cheeks making me grumble loudly from where I was napping on the couch.

"Mommy! Up." I groaned quietly fluttering my eyes open a little confused like seeing his round blue eyes staring at me with softness.

"Let mommy sleep Naru." I chuckled at him watching him make large grabby hands at me.

"Mommy Sasuke!" I was very much startled by the sudden shout of the Uchiha's name.
I lifted Naruto up sitting him in my lap, stroking at his back a couple times.

"Naruto... You don't particularly like Sasuke hun." I had to hold back my own slight laughter. I never understood it, since he was a baby I would occasional babysit Sasuke, Naruto was always throwing his blankets and pacifiers at him. They even went to pres academy school together.

"Mommy you watch Sasuke." I blinked when he rested his large head on my chest, sucking on his thumb. Then it hit me like that.

"Oh my gosh I'm watching Sasuke today! Come on Naru time to get dressed and take a bath."

"No bath mommy! Bubbles get in my eye."

"Well that's because you try to eat the bubbles."

Bath time took a little longer then I liked since Naruto kept trying to eat the bubbles, I was already running a little late when he also decided to run away butt naked and refused to get into a towel. He was my little trouble maker.

I decided that instead of being coped up inside taking them to the flower fields would be way better. Sasuke seemed to be enjoying it. I looked away from studying the grass seeing Naruto was focused on yanking the grass out.

I felt tiny hands poking at my sides, I turned my attention to Sasuke shoving flowers in my face. I squealed a little startled but I grabbed a hold of the flowers a bit seeing him glaring down at the grass.

"Are these for me?" I questioned, he nodded his head like mad, muttering under his breath.

"For you... Really nice lady." A small laugh left me quietly taking one of the small white flowers I tucked it behind his ear, holding my arms out for him picking him to hold close.

"Well thank you sweetie and here I was starting to think you were a grumpy child." That seemed to make him glare at me he lightly smacked my forehead but rested his head on my shoulders, I rubbed at his back a few times bouncing him which seemed to sooth him.

"No! That's my mommy! You have your own." I jolted watching Naruto toddling over, I was quick to scoop him up to stop him from throwing a rock at Sasuke who seemed to be falling asleep, scolding Naruto gently.

"Naru you don't throw rocks at friends, I'm still your mommy okay? But don't do that okay." I scolded him gently seeing his blue eyes filled with tears before he was whimpering.

"But he's taking you away." I now carefully balanced the both of them on my shoulders rocking them both.

"He isn't sweetie I'm babysitting him, why can't you two get along hm? I'm sure you two would be really great friends." I muttered, Naruto was rubbing at his eyes, staring. Both him and Sasuke were eying one another in a deep silence.

Before I saw Sasuke stick his tongue out at Naruto fast. Naruto gasped and made a face grabbing at Sasuke's nose which resulted in Sasuke grabbing at Naruto hair tugging at it. I was quick to stand up holding them both away from one another quickly exclaiming out.

"Do you two want ice cream?"

They both grew so silent so very fast, shouting both in unison.

"Ice cream!" I forced a smile laughing quietly walking down the hill with both children on my hip. It wasn't long before we were back in the village both kids eating their ice cream messy like with me cleaning their faces every five minutes.

I glanced up from the table wiping Sasuke's cheeks with him literally trying to stuff the cone into his mouth, Naruto doing the same.

"Hello Miss Lithium." I focused my attention with a smile.

"Hey there Itachi, did your mom come back from shopping?" He nodded his head at me.

"Yeah sent me to pick up Sasuke, looks like he is having a blast though, kinda don't wanna take him." He chuckled shaking with laughter.

We shared a quick laugh with me picking up Sasuke handing him over to Itachi.

Shooting my hand out without looking catching Naruto before he fell back from shoving the ice cream into his mouth.

"He had a good day, he ate, played with some blocks,  picked some flowers he's gonna have a nice nap." I smiled waving my hands at Sasuke who looked at me before he was waving his hand at me a soft giggle actually leaving him. I held Naruto close to me cleaning off his hands seeing him waving at Sasuke as well.

"Thanks again Miss Lithium I owe you one."

"Bye Sasuke! Your head is big!" I lightly swated Naruto on his bottom.

"Naru." I warned to him.

"Bye Naruto! Your head is bigger?" I choked on a quiet laugh quickly holding Naruto's head as he started crying fake crocodile tears.

"Mommy! He said my head is big!"

"You said his was big first sweetie, remember always be kind to those, even if they don't show it back to you. They'll regret it okay sweetie."

"Okay mommy... "

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